Strong message to Serbia: If you want to move on EU path, this is not the way to go

Miroslav Lajčák strongly urged Serbia that if it wants to continue with EU accession, it should follow the political choices that bring it closer to this goal

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 30.08.2019.


Strong message to Serbia: If you want to move on EU path, this is not the way to go
Foto: Depositphotos/Fredex

Strong message to Serbia: If you want to move on EU path, this is not the way to go

Miroslav Lajčák, Slovakia's Diplomacy, reacted to the announced Serbia's signing of the free trade agreement with Eurasian Union (EAEU), supported by Russia.

"If you are sure in your European orientation, don’t make decisions which are not in line with it, as this one isn’t", Lajčák concluded.

Attending the meeting of the EU and Western Balkans foreign ministers in Helsinki, Slovakian Foreign Affairs Minister said that Serbia’s decision to join EAEU was “confusing.”

Serbia should sing this Agreement on Free Trade with Eurasian Union on October 25, while the Agreement on free trade between Serbia and Russia is in effect since 2000. Warning regarding this agreement was also sent from European Commission, when it was clearly said that Serbia will have to give up on EAEU upon joining EU.

Today, McAllister also reacted to this issue.

"Kosovo presents a problem as it was not recognized from the five EU member states. This is reality"

Speaking about Kosovo, he called Pristina to abolish tariffs on Serbian goods and underlined that Kosovo's reality is that it is not recognized by the five EU member states.

"Kosovo presents a problem as it was not recognized from the five EU member states. This is reality", Miroslav Lajčák added.

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