Russian center explains when it can react in region

The Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center (RSHC) says it is monitoring the newly emerging situation caused by heavy rainfall in the region.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 15.05.2019.


Russian center explains when it can react in region
(Tanjug, illustration)

Russian center explains when it can react in region

The Center noted that according to the intergovernmental agreement between Serbia and Russias, RSHC will react in the coming period in emergency situations, not only in Serbia, but also in other Balkan countries.

Thanks to the indicators that the center receives from the satellite from the National Center for Crisis Management, it has precise information about the situation in the region, current precipitation, as well as the estimates of possible vulnerability of the population and settlements.

RSHC, located in Nis, southern Serbia, also has its own Crisis Management Center, which is intended for receiving and transmitting information on forecasting, modeling and calculation of emergency situations, as well as monitoring.

The center pointed out that they are constantly in touch with the Sector for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

However, RSHC indicates that it can only react to at explicit invitation of the affected parties, or the governments of interested states. This also applies to flood events, as they are now registered in some areas of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In such cases, RSHC can react immediately, deliver operational forces, material-technical conditions, coordinate the necessary assistance and additional support from Russia.

RSHC and the operational forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the RF over the past ten years repeatedly confirmed their professionalism, efficiency and equipment, not only in Serbia, but also in the Balkans.

Among the results of the work are hundreds of saved lives, suppression and elimination of consequences of floods and fires, providing and delivering humanitarian aid and funds to vulnerable populations in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Slovenia, as well as professional training to specialists from the Balkan region.

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