Street named after Tunisia opened in Belgrade

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic assessed on Monday that relations between Serbia and Tunisia are based on mutual respect

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 13.05.2019.


Street named after Tunisia opened in Belgrade

Street named after Tunisia opened in Belgrade

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Tuniska (Tunisian) Street in Belgrade, Dacic reiterated the eternal gratitude to Tunisia for providing shelter and assistance to Serbian soldiers, the wounded and civilians in the First World War.

Thanks to the great Tunisian heart, 52,000 Serbian soldiers recovered and returned to the military front to contribute to the victory of the allies in the war. There are over 3,700 graves of Serbian soldiers and civilians left in Tunisia, which is their eternal home. Serbia will never forget that help and friendship and will always cherish the feeling of a special relationship with Tunisia, Dacic underlined.

According to him, based on numerous, historical links between our two countries and our peoples, as well as on similarities in the foreign policy of our countries, we can build relations of not only closer cooperation and greater understanding, but also relations of strategic partnership.

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