Minister on "reconciling with US" and new Kosovo mediators

Jadranka Joksimovic says that <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">"inviting global powers"</a> to join the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue represents "a reflection of provincialism."

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 30.11.2017.


Minister on
(Tanjug, file)

Minister on "reconciling with US" and new Kosovo mediators

"They would have been better off recalling that we were allies in the difficult 20th century, and that this is a good historical basis for even better relations."

Joksimovic observed that the US is a global power - "and of course their foreign policy influences everyone, this region included, and it would be natural for the US to work on strengthening ties with important factors in the region - and Serbia has its significance."

According to her, inviting great global powers, "whether it's the US or the Russian Federation," to get involved in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is "a reflection of provincialism and a desire to have everything revolve around us."

"The EU is the mediator and it should stay that way," Joksimovic thinks.

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