pre 17 godina
Azir: So what would you call Muslims in Serbia....Serbian Muslims!!!! Claiming there is not such thing as Serbian Muslims but yet stating some rumors about Bosniak, some made up thing in the past few years. Give me a break!!!
Tuesday, 08.01.2008.
A former U.S. secretary of state says there are "strong reasons for opposition" to Kosovo's independence.
Izvor: Tanjug
pre 17 godina
Azir: So what would you call Muslims in Serbia....Serbian Muslims!!!! Claiming there is not such thing as Serbian Muslims but yet stating some rumors about Bosniak, some made up thing in the past few years. Give me a break!!!
pre 17 godina
It seems that not only ex Yu citizens are "yugo nostalgic"
pre 17 godina
Amir you are misinformed.There's no such thing as a Serbian muslim.Obviously you are identity challeneged and never heard of Serbrenica and the other cities in Bosnia where the Bosnjaks were systematicaly murdered, and there place turned to ash.You don't have to worry for Kosova because we will gain our independance,what will happen to Sanxhak? And also don't stress yourself about slavs being in "Greater Albania" because "Albania is already a great country without the need for slavs." Try displaying you religious beliefs in Belgrade in front of Serbian nationalist and see what happens to you in your wonderfull serbia? Good luck.
pre 17 godina
I am a Muslim Serb from Novi Pazar. We always lived a wonderful life in Yugoslavia within Serbia. Until the United States decided to act on destroying Europes most beautiful nation of Yugoslavia. Now these Albanians want to create a greater Albania out of Kosovo then they will come for Montenegro and Sandzak of Serbia. Then my people will be forced to call ourselves Albanians.
pre 17 godina
I am delighted by the "Canadian" : )
“After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs..”.
so it was serbia that defeated the Turkish Empire EUREKA...
you must have a degree form teh Serbian Radical Party personally signed by Sheshel :)
Can you name any date place number of your glorious resistance?
pre 17 godina
By declaring in such way, Mr. Eagleburger is trying to have his voice heard but he is already long time gone from the american politics.
As opposed, you have Mr. Cedomir Jovanovic who is a serb politician, in fact the new generation of serb politicians who is for Kosova's Independence.
At least Jovanovic represents some percentage of the very own serbs while Eagleburger represents nothing but his own self.
pre 17 godina
Excellent comments by Eagleberger only show how tragic was Milosevic's misjudgement to clash with the key US figure in our country at the time.
pre 17 godina
Hey Ahmet:
Your posting has the overtones of a threat of violence. It's kind of like the first 'suggestion' given to somebody by the mafia.
pre 17 godina
"Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
(KS, 8 January 2008 17:22)"
nicely written!
Russia, China and India are just getting warm!
and the US are just about to start to get increasingly isolated.. even a democratic candidate-to-be sees his chance to win in the motto "change"!
pre 17 godina
garry said >> Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
Wrong garry! Serbia was sovereign way before the Ottoman Empire came to the Balkans. The Serbs were invaded by the Turks, much like what is happening in Kosovo now. After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs, note: The Turks did not just wake up one morning and collapse thus giving Serbia a country. In fact after the Turks lost Serbia much of the Turks other interests in other regions started to fall apart like a domino effect leading up to the Balkan Wars when the Turks were all but gone from the Balkans.
pre 17 godina
To Johny
Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
empire.The sovereighty of
each modern nation is
guaranteed by the UN chapter
and the 1975 Helsinski
agreement.Kosovo is a province and not a state.If
every minority was allowed
self-determination then,
according to you,should be
declared sovereign.
pre 17 godina
Clearly Mr. Eagleburger's statements reflects a growing concern regarding the entrenched positions of the US and EU. Without knowing the final status and outcome of Kosovo, many acknowledge huge difficulties if a territory from a sovereign United Nations county is forcefully amputated. What is further without precedent, the EU and NATO are deciding the fate of a non member state outside the framework of the United Nations. Can someone post a link that shows the legality of this operation in the charter of these two organizations? There is none, for the US and EU have always deferred these ruling to the UN and UN security council...(Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Haiti, Somalia...the list goes on and on).
Questions to consider...why is the UN Security Council being bypassed? It can't be just because of Russia..don't be so naive. Why are international laws being ignored and ultimately broken, thus inviting upheaval for the future..who benefits? And finally, if this succeeds, why not disband the United Nations charter all together?
Whether or not your are Serbian or Albanian, pro or against independence, Kosovo DOES represent a dangerous move for the world and the established laws setforth by generations and countless casualties, starting with WW2. The UN charter is a by-product of that war, a body that was to be the ultimate peace maker between conflicting nations. Now, that hasn't been the case in many examples, but it has been a stabilizing/positive factor more often than not. Do we want to kiss the blue helmets good-bye for good? Shall we return to the days after the League of Nations that brought the rise to Stalin and Hitler and countless henchman of those two dictators? No balance, no justice, no voice for nations.
I am Serbian, and I am absolutely convinced that if I sat across the table from a reasonable Albanian, that loves his people and family as much as I love mine, that we can hammer out a compromise that is acceptable to both. It is because our two people are being pulled and twisted by outside interests that a solution has and continues to be evasive. Would it be easy and full of challenges...you bet. Would we move forward with a handshake and reconciliation. For sure. Can we move into the future as neighbors, respectful of one another...we must! Or do we accept the alternative of EVIL MEN....WAR?
pre 17 godina
"the disagreement over Kosovo can in fact be narrowed down to a conflict of the principles of self-determination and sovereignty."
Eagleburger wants this matter left up to lawyers practising an unforceable code of conduct between state actors. Perhaps he must think in terms of civil law. How about looking at it this way: KOSOVO WILL BE DIVORCED FROM SERBIA DUE TO IRRECONCILEABLE DIFFERECES. Just like a husband who has beaten up his wife, Serbia forefits all its sovereign rights. This outlook more than explains the situation.
pre 17 godina
Johny: "the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination."
Republika Srpska and North Kosovo thank you for making their point.
pre 17 godina
"Its funny how things have change.
Yeah, ain't it? Isn't he the one who created the Yugo Tribunal and put the faces of Serbs Milosevic/Mladic/Karadjic and the 7 dozen other Serbs on world's Most Wanted War Criminal's list? Sure is ironic, I suppose he begged Serbia's forgiveness for helping to bomb them for 78 days, too?
"Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
Let's not forget Albanians have close ties with Washington DC/London and Brussels and Paris and Berlin and even a few K-Albanians have close ties with Moscow. I guess Serbia too will never be a 'respected country until its leaders denounce the crimes of their previous leaders on that Most Wanted Criminal List? Serbia too needs to acknowledge its Nazi collusion with their leader Milan Nedic and the death camps they operated in Samjiste and Banjic. Current Serb leaders too needs to acknowledge Serbia's overwhelming discrimination against Non Serbs in their nation and pass laws against this Serbian national phenomenon.
pre 17 godina
It is ironic that if Kosovo becomes illegally independent, Serbia will have then completed its greater Serbia project and this with the help of the EU and USA, because let there be no doubt that the North of Kosovo will indeed merge with Serbia proper and half of Bosnia will merge with Serbia too thus increasing the size and population of Serbia by over 50%! And Kosovo will be reduced to an illegal rogue Criminal haven and later probably a breeding ground for Islamic extremist, just like Afghanistan was.
You have to ask yourself who really loses in all this, I figure the EU and USA, because they will have to deal with the problems that Kosovo will bring in the future while losing Serbia to the Russians and making Serbia the very thing that NATO has tried to prevent, a larger and stronger country.
Pure irony, really!
pre 17 godina
"At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
You are wrong here, the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination. Serbia became independent because of the self-determination principle, its people wanted to be independent, so did Italy, so did Germany, France, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, USA etc. States become independent because the inhabitants want it to be independent, therefore self-determination determines sovereignty not the other way around.
pre 17 godina
B92 keeps posting comments of ex ambassadors who spent time in Serbia who disagree with independence. I don't see the point. It's just throwing another name in the anti-independence fire. Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
pre 17 godina
In keep with Ahmet's logic. . .
Russia's opinion should be discounted because Milosevic's brother served as an ambassador to the country.
Cyprus's discord to independence should be ignored because Milosevic kept his money there.
Kostunica's staunch opposition should be disregarded because. . .I'm sure. . .he once had lunch with Milosevic.
Tadic's resistance to severing Serbian land should be rejected because his last name ends in "ic". . .just like Milosevic!
What the K-albanians don't realize is that they have much more in common in Milosevic than they realize. . .just like Milosevic, they're dreams of an independent 'Kosova' are dead!
pre 17 godina
"the actual problem is in creating a practice where the international community would take upon itself the right to order or secure through pressure the seizing of certain territory from nominal hosts, and to strip them of their sovereignty over that particular territory,"
Of course this is building a new positive juridical practice, where the states that do this http://youtube.com/watch?v=nusaLngStiI&feature=related to his own citizens of diffreent nationality can no longer rule them.
If I was a Serbian I would be very sad to see my country in company with Sudan.
It is out of doubt that Kosva is a case of national freedom seeking like many others before and other to come- hopefully.
Once there were 50 states member of UN now there are almost 200- they didn't came from Jupiter, all these new states were part of another existing sovereign state. Same like Yugo and Kosova. Nothing unusual is happening, except that Kosova is an uncomfortable case for the states that have dirty cloths in their house... the history just repeats herself... nothing new , strange, mysterious... just people who seek for freedom and regimes that deny this to them.
pre 17 godina
Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
pre 17 godina
“His period as advisor for Yugoslavian affairs from 1989 to 1992 was highly controversial. He gained a reputation for being a strong Serbian partisan, most controversially denying that Serbian paramilitaries and the Yugoslav National Army had committed atrocities in the breakway republic of Croatia. This perceived partisanship led the European press to dub him Lawrence of Serbia ( Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger) “
Hence his comment has no significance with reference to the imminent independence.
pre 17 godina
This is a guy (Eagleburger) who with former National Security adviser Brent Scawcroft served 1st Bush administration, and before that were involved with Milosevic in Yugo America business venture, in late 70's and early 80's.
Before that, they served in Belgrade as an Ambassador (Eagleburger) and a military Atache (Scawcroft).
Our memories are still fresh from the activity that this guy did with Miloshevic helped break-up Former SFRJ.
Its funny how things have change.
pre 17 godina
Making this kind of statements means one thing, he is not under Bush administration and since Democrats will win the President elections his words are simply "opinion" - bought by Serb lobby.
pre 17 godina
Secretary of State December 8, 1992 until January 20, 1993.
pre 17 godina
At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
determination.There're problems with all communities
in every part of the world.
Should the solution of these
problems lead to separation
of these communities from the
country they live? He rightly
points out if Kosovo achieves
statehood this will become
free for all independence
aspiring communities all over
the world.These will lead to
ethnic and religious conflicts the likes will
remind us of the dreadfull
events that happened in the
pre 17 godina
Don't forget that while Mr. Egleburger was ambasador in Belgrade, he developed a very close relation with Millosevic during that time.
Advice to former ambasador: " Enjoy your retirement and forget world politics".
pre 17 godina
Wise man speaking! However, it will be just as it was pointed out in this journalistic piece. I believe if Kosovo proclame independence the chain reaction will take place soon after. What is good for one side it is good enough for the other as well.
However, it seem that the EU begun to realise that Kosovo is not the unique case afterall and thus they begun to speak about some sort of "not full, not real independence" but observed one to eternity while 1244 resolutionis still in effect. The EU is signing the SAA with Serbia and Kosovo within its borders. The rsolution stays forever as it is and guarantee that Serbia may take the control over Kosovo and Metohija once the world conditions change. And the world conditions are changing every day. Who would ever presume that black man could ever run for the president in the USA and actually have a chance to win.
pre 17 godina
At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
determination.There're problems with all communities
in every part of the world.
Should the solution of these
problems lead to separation
of these communities from the
country they live? He rightly
points out if Kosovo achieves
statehood this will become
free for all independence
aspiring communities all over
the world.These will lead to
ethnic and religious conflicts the likes will
remind us of the dreadfull
events that happened in the
pre 17 godina
Wise man speaking! However, it will be just as it was pointed out in this journalistic piece. I believe if Kosovo proclame independence the chain reaction will take place soon after. What is good for one side it is good enough for the other as well.
However, it seem that the EU begun to realise that Kosovo is not the unique case afterall and thus they begun to speak about some sort of "not full, not real independence" but observed one to eternity while 1244 resolutionis still in effect. The EU is signing the SAA with Serbia and Kosovo within its borders. The rsolution stays forever as it is and guarantee that Serbia may take the control over Kosovo and Metohija once the world conditions change. And the world conditions are changing every day. Who would ever presume that black man could ever run for the president in the USA and actually have a chance to win.
pre 17 godina
Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
pre 17 godina
In keep with Ahmet's logic. . .
Russia's opinion should be discounted because Milosevic's brother served as an ambassador to the country.
Cyprus's discord to independence should be ignored because Milosevic kept his money there.
Kostunica's staunch opposition should be disregarded because. . .I'm sure. . .he once had lunch with Milosevic.
Tadic's resistance to severing Serbian land should be rejected because his last name ends in "ic". . .just like Milosevic!
What the K-albanians don't realize is that they have much more in common in Milosevic than they realize. . .just like Milosevic, they're dreams of an independent 'Kosova' are dead!
pre 17 godina
It is ironic that if Kosovo becomes illegally independent, Serbia will have then completed its greater Serbia project and this with the help of the EU and USA, because let there be no doubt that the North of Kosovo will indeed merge with Serbia proper and half of Bosnia will merge with Serbia too thus increasing the size and population of Serbia by over 50%! And Kosovo will be reduced to an illegal rogue Criminal haven and later probably a breeding ground for Islamic extremist, just like Afghanistan was.
You have to ask yourself who really loses in all this, I figure the EU and USA, because they will have to deal with the problems that Kosovo will bring in the future while losing Serbia to the Russians and making Serbia the very thing that NATO has tried to prevent, a larger and stronger country.
Pure irony, really!
pre 17 godina
Johny: "the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination."
Republika Srpska and North Kosovo thank you for making their point.
pre 17 godina
Don't forget that while Mr. Egleburger was ambasador in Belgrade, he developed a very close relation with Millosevic during that time.
Advice to former ambasador: " Enjoy your retirement and forget world politics".
pre 17 godina
garry said >> Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
Wrong garry! Serbia was sovereign way before the Ottoman Empire came to the Balkans. The Serbs were invaded by the Turks, much like what is happening in Kosovo now. After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs, note: The Turks did not just wake up one morning and collapse thus giving Serbia a country. In fact after the Turks lost Serbia much of the Turks other interests in other regions started to fall apart like a domino effect leading up to the Balkan Wars when the Turks were all but gone from the Balkans.
pre 17 godina
"Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
(KS, 8 January 2008 17:22)"
nicely written!
Russia, China and India are just getting warm!
and the US are just about to start to get increasingly isolated.. even a democratic candidate-to-be sees his chance to win in the motto "change"!
pre 17 godina
Clearly Mr. Eagleburger's statements reflects a growing concern regarding the entrenched positions of the US and EU. Without knowing the final status and outcome of Kosovo, many acknowledge huge difficulties if a territory from a sovereign United Nations county is forcefully amputated. What is further without precedent, the EU and NATO are deciding the fate of a non member state outside the framework of the United Nations. Can someone post a link that shows the legality of this operation in the charter of these two organizations? There is none, for the US and EU have always deferred these ruling to the UN and UN security council...(Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Haiti, Somalia...the list goes on and on).
Questions to consider...why is the UN Security Council being bypassed? It can't be just because of Russia..don't be so naive. Why are international laws being ignored and ultimately broken, thus inviting upheaval for the future..who benefits? And finally, if this succeeds, why not disband the United Nations charter all together?
Whether or not your are Serbian or Albanian, pro or against independence, Kosovo DOES represent a dangerous move for the world and the established laws setforth by generations and countless casualties, starting with WW2. The UN charter is a by-product of that war, a body that was to be the ultimate peace maker between conflicting nations. Now, that hasn't been the case in many examples, but it has been a stabilizing/positive factor more often than not. Do we want to kiss the blue helmets good-bye for good? Shall we return to the days after the League of Nations that brought the rise to Stalin and Hitler and countless henchman of those two dictators? No balance, no justice, no voice for nations.
I am Serbian, and I am absolutely convinced that if I sat across the table from a reasonable Albanian, that loves his people and family as much as I love mine, that we can hammer out a compromise that is acceptable to both. It is because our two people are being pulled and twisted by outside interests that a solution has and continues to be evasive. Would it be easy and full of challenges...you bet. Would we move forward with a handshake and reconciliation. For sure. Can we move into the future as neighbors, respectful of one another...we must! Or do we accept the alternative of EVIL MEN....WAR?
pre 17 godina
To Johny
Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
empire.The sovereighty of
each modern nation is
guaranteed by the UN chapter
and the 1975 Helsinski
agreement.Kosovo is a province and not a state.If
every minority was allowed
self-determination then,
according to you,should be
declared sovereign.
pre 17 godina
This is a guy (Eagleburger) who with former National Security adviser Brent Scawcroft served 1st Bush administration, and before that were involved with Milosevic in Yugo America business venture, in late 70's and early 80's.
Before that, they served in Belgrade as an Ambassador (Eagleburger) and a military Atache (Scawcroft).
Our memories are still fresh from the activity that this guy did with Miloshevic helped break-up Former SFRJ.
Its funny how things have change.
pre 17 godina
"the actual problem is in creating a practice where the international community would take upon itself the right to order or secure through pressure the seizing of certain territory from nominal hosts, and to strip them of their sovereignty over that particular territory,"
Of course this is building a new positive juridical practice, where the states that do this http://youtube.com/watch?v=nusaLngStiI&feature=related to his own citizens of diffreent nationality can no longer rule them.
If I was a Serbian I would be very sad to see my country in company with Sudan.
It is out of doubt that Kosva is a case of national freedom seeking like many others before and other to come- hopefully.
Once there were 50 states member of UN now there are almost 200- they didn't came from Jupiter, all these new states were part of another existing sovereign state. Same like Yugo and Kosova. Nothing unusual is happening, except that Kosova is an uncomfortable case for the states that have dirty cloths in their house... the history just repeats herself... nothing new , strange, mysterious... just people who seek for freedom and regimes that deny this to them.
pre 17 godina
Hey Ahmet:
Your posting has the overtones of a threat of violence. It's kind of like the first 'suggestion' given to somebody by the mafia.
pre 17 godina
“His period as advisor for Yugoslavian affairs from 1989 to 1992 was highly controversial. He gained a reputation for being a strong Serbian partisan, most controversially denying that Serbian paramilitaries and the Yugoslav National Army had committed atrocities in the breakway republic of Croatia. This perceived partisanship led the European press to dub him Lawrence of Serbia ( Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger) “
Hence his comment has no significance with reference to the imminent independence.
pre 17 godina
Making this kind of statements means one thing, he is not under Bush administration and since Democrats will win the President elections his words are simply "opinion" - bought by Serb lobby.
pre 17 godina
"Its funny how things have change.
Yeah, ain't it? Isn't he the one who created the Yugo Tribunal and put the faces of Serbs Milosevic/Mladic/Karadjic and the 7 dozen other Serbs on world's Most Wanted War Criminal's list? Sure is ironic, I suppose he begged Serbia's forgiveness for helping to bomb them for 78 days, too?
"Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
Let's not forget Albanians have close ties with Washington DC/London and Brussels and Paris and Berlin and even a few K-Albanians have close ties with Moscow. I guess Serbia too will never be a 'respected country until its leaders denounce the crimes of their previous leaders on that Most Wanted Criminal List? Serbia too needs to acknowledge its Nazi collusion with their leader Milan Nedic and the death camps they operated in Samjiste and Banjic. Current Serb leaders too needs to acknowledge Serbia's overwhelming discrimination against Non Serbs in their nation and pass laws against this Serbian national phenomenon.
pre 17 godina
I am a Muslim Serb from Novi Pazar. We always lived a wonderful life in Yugoslavia within Serbia. Until the United States decided to act on destroying Europes most beautiful nation of Yugoslavia. Now these Albanians want to create a greater Albania out of Kosovo then they will come for Montenegro and Sandzak of Serbia. Then my people will be forced to call ourselves Albanians.
pre 17 godina
Azir: So what would you call Muslims in Serbia....Serbian Muslims!!!! Claiming there is not such thing as Serbian Muslims but yet stating some rumors about Bosniak, some made up thing in the past few years. Give me a break!!!
pre 17 godina
"At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
You are wrong here, the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination. Serbia became independent because of the self-determination principle, its people wanted to be independent, so did Italy, so did Germany, France, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, USA etc. States become independent because the inhabitants want it to be independent, therefore self-determination determines sovereignty not the other way around.
pre 17 godina
"the disagreement over Kosovo can in fact be narrowed down to a conflict of the principles of self-determination and sovereignty."
Eagleburger wants this matter left up to lawyers practising an unforceable code of conduct between state actors. Perhaps he must think in terms of civil law. How about looking at it this way: KOSOVO WILL BE DIVORCED FROM SERBIA DUE TO IRRECONCILEABLE DIFFERECES. Just like a husband who has beaten up his wife, Serbia forefits all its sovereign rights. This outlook more than explains the situation.
pre 17 godina
By declaring in such way, Mr. Eagleburger is trying to have his voice heard but he is already long time gone from the american politics.
As opposed, you have Mr. Cedomir Jovanovic who is a serb politician, in fact the new generation of serb politicians who is for Kosova's Independence.
At least Jovanovic represents some percentage of the very own serbs while Eagleburger represents nothing but his own self.
pre 17 godina
Secretary of State December 8, 1992 until January 20, 1993.
pre 17 godina
Excellent comments by Eagleberger only show how tragic was Milosevic's misjudgement to clash with the key US figure in our country at the time.
pre 17 godina
I am delighted by the "Canadian" : )
“After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs..”.
so it was serbia that defeated the Turkish Empire EUREKA...
you must have a degree form teh Serbian Radical Party personally signed by Sheshel :)
Can you name any date place number of your glorious resistance?
pre 17 godina
It seems that not only ex Yu citizens are "yugo nostalgic"
pre 17 godina
B92 keeps posting comments of ex ambassadors who spent time in Serbia who disagree with independence. I don't see the point. It's just throwing another name in the anti-independence fire. Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
pre 17 godina
Amir you are misinformed.There's no such thing as a Serbian muslim.Obviously you are identity challeneged and never heard of Serbrenica and the other cities in Bosnia where the Bosnjaks were systematicaly murdered, and there place turned to ash.You don't have to worry for Kosova because we will gain our independance,what will happen to Sanxhak? And also don't stress yourself about slavs being in "Greater Albania" because "Albania is already a great country without the need for slavs." Try displaying you religious beliefs in Belgrade in front of Serbian nationalist and see what happens to you in your wonderfull serbia? Good luck.
pre 17 godina
Making this kind of statements means one thing, he is not under Bush administration and since Democrats will win the President elections his words are simply "opinion" - bought by Serb lobby.
pre 17 godina
Don't forget that while Mr. Egleburger was ambasador in Belgrade, he developed a very close relation with Millosevic during that time.
Advice to former ambasador: " Enjoy your retirement and forget world politics".
pre 17 godina
“His period as advisor for Yugoslavian affairs from 1989 to 1992 was highly controversial. He gained a reputation for being a strong Serbian partisan, most controversially denying that Serbian paramilitaries and the Yugoslav National Army had committed atrocities in the breakway republic of Croatia. This perceived partisanship led the European press to dub him Lawrence of Serbia ( Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger) “
Hence his comment has no significance with reference to the imminent independence.
pre 17 godina
This is a guy (Eagleburger) who with former National Security adviser Brent Scawcroft served 1st Bush administration, and before that were involved with Milosevic in Yugo America business venture, in late 70's and early 80's.
Before that, they served in Belgrade as an Ambassador (Eagleburger) and a military Atache (Scawcroft).
Our memories are still fresh from the activity that this guy did with Miloshevic helped break-up Former SFRJ.
Its funny how things have change.
pre 17 godina
"the actual problem is in creating a practice where the international community would take upon itself the right to order or secure through pressure the seizing of certain territory from nominal hosts, and to strip them of their sovereignty over that particular territory,"
Of course this is building a new positive juridical practice, where the states that do this http://youtube.com/watch?v=nusaLngStiI&feature=related to his own citizens of diffreent nationality can no longer rule them.
If I was a Serbian I would be very sad to see my country in company with Sudan.
It is out of doubt that Kosva is a case of national freedom seeking like many others before and other to come- hopefully.
Once there were 50 states member of UN now there are almost 200- they didn't came from Jupiter, all these new states were part of another existing sovereign state. Same like Yugo and Kosova. Nothing unusual is happening, except that Kosova is an uncomfortable case for the states that have dirty cloths in their house... the history just repeats herself... nothing new , strange, mysterious... just people who seek for freedom and regimes that deny this to them.
pre 17 godina
"Its funny how things have change.
Yeah, ain't it? Isn't he the one who created the Yugo Tribunal and put the faces of Serbs Milosevic/Mladic/Karadjic and the 7 dozen other Serbs on world's Most Wanted War Criminal's list? Sure is ironic, I suppose he begged Serbia's forgiveness for helping to bomb them for 78 days, too?
"Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
Let's not forget Albanians have close ties with Washington DC/London and Brussels and Paris and Berlin and even a few K-Albanians have close ties with Moscow. I guess Serbia too will never be a 'respected country until its leaders denounce the crimes of their previous leaders on that Most Wanted Criminal List? Serbia too needs to acknowledge its Nazi collusion with their leader Milan Nedic and the death camps they operated in Samjiste and Banjic. Current Serb leaders too needs to acknowledge Serbia's overwhelming discrimination against Non Serbs in their nation and pass laws against this Serbian national phenomenon.
pre 17 godina
"the disagreement over Kosovo can in fact be narrowed down to a conflict of the principles of self-determination and sovereignty."
Eagleburger wants this matter left up to lawyers practising an unforceable code of conduct between state actors. Perhaps he must think in terms of civil law. How about looking at it this way: KOSOVO WILL BE DIVORCED FROM SERBIA DUE TO IRRECONCILEABLE DIFFERECES. Just like a husband who has beaten up his wife, Serbia forefits all its sovereign rights. This outlook more than explains the situation.
pre 17 godina
"At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
You are wrong here, the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination. Serbia became independent because of the self-determination principle, its people wanted to be independent, so did Italy, so did Germany, France, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, USA etc. States become independent because the inhabitants want it to be independent, therefore self-determination determines sovereignty not the other way around.
pre 17 godina
B92 keeps posting comments of ex ambassadors who spent time in Serbia who disagree with independence. I don't see the point. It's just throwing another name in the anti-independence fire. Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
pre 17 godina
Secretary of State December 8, 1992 until January 20, 1993.
pre 17 godina
At last some common sense
coming from USA.Eagleburger
rightly elevates the principle of sovereignty
above the principle of self-
determination.There're problems with all communities
in every part of the world.
Should the solution of these
problems lead to separation
of these communities from the
country they live? He rightly
points out if Kosovo achieves
statehood this will become
free for all independence
aspiring communities all over
the world.These will lead to
ethnic and religious conflicts the likes will
remind us of the dreadfull
events that happened in the
pre 17 godina
Wise man speaking! However, it will be just as it was pointed out in this journalistic piece. I believe if Kosovo proclame independence the chain reaction will take place soon after. What is good for one side it is good enough for the other as well.
However, it seem that the EU begun to realise that Kosovo is not the unique case afterall and thus they begun to speak about some sort of "not full, not real independence" but observed one to eternity while 1244 resolutionis still in effect. The EU is signing the SAA with Serbia and Kosovo within its borders. The rsolution stays forever as it is and guarantee that Serbia may take the control over Kosovo and Metohija once the world conditions change. And the world conditions are changing every day. Who would ever presume that black man could ever run for the president in the USA and actually have a chance to win.
pre 17 godina
Let's also not forget that Kosovo Albanians have close ties to radical Islamist groups and that they will never be able to have a respected country until their leaders denounce human and drug trafficing. Also, until Croatia acknowledges it's past Nazi history and allows Serbians to return to their homes they have no say in this matter and should never bring up ethics.
pre 17 godina
Amir you are misinformed.There's no such thing as a Serbian muslim.Obviously you are identity challeneged and never heard of Serbrenica and the other cities in Bosnia where the Bosnjaks were systematicaly murdered, and there place turned to ash.You don't have to worry for Kosova because we will gain our independance,what will happen to Sanxhak? And also don't stress yourself about slavs being in "Greater Albania" because "Albania is already a great country without the need for slavs." Try displaying you religious beliefs in Belgrade in front of Serbian nationalist and see what happens to you in your wonderfull serbia? Good luck.
pre 17 godina
In keep with Ahmet's logic. . .
Russia's opinion should be discounted because Milosevic's brother served as an ambassador to the country.
Cyprus's discord to independence should be ignored because Milosevic kept his money there.
Kostunica's staunch opposition should be disregarded because. . .I'm sure. . .he once had lunch with Milosevic.
Tadic's resistance to severing Serbian land should be rejected because his last name ends in "ic". . .just like Milosevic!
What the K-albanians don't realize is that they have much more in common in Milosevic than they realize. . .just like Milosevic, they're dreams of an independent 'Kosova' are dead!
pre 17 godina
It is ironic that if Kosovo becomes illegally independent, Serbia will have then completed its greater Serbia project and this with the help of the EU and USA, because let there be no doubt that the North of Kosovo will indeed merge with Serbia proper and half of Bosnia will merge with Serbia too thus increasing the size and population of Serbia by over 50%! And Kosovo will be reduced to an illegal rogue Criminal haven and later probably a breeding ground for Islamic extremist, just like Afghanistan was.
You have to ask yourself who really loses in all this, I figure the EU and USA, because they will have to deal with the problems that Kosovo will bring in the future while losing Serbia to the Russians and making Serbia the very thing that NATO has tried to prevent, a larger and stronger country.
Pure irony, really!
pre 17 godina
To Johny
Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
empire.The sovereighty of
each modern nation is
guaranteed by the UN chapter
and the 1975 Helsinski
agreement.Kosovo is a province and not a state.If
every minority was allowed
self-determination then,
according to you,should be
declared sovereign.
pre 17 godina
By declaring in such way, Mr. Eagleburger is trying to have his voice heard but he is already long time gone from the american politics.
As opposed, you have Mr. Cedomir Jovanovic who is a serb politician, in fact the new generation of serb politicians who is for Kosova's Independence.
At least Jovanovic represents some percentage of the very own serbs while Eagleburger represents nothing but his own self.
pre 17 godina
I am delighted by the "Canadian" : )
“After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs..”.
so it was serbia that defeated the Turkish Empire EUREKA...
you must have a degree form teh Serbian Radical Party personally signed by Sheshel :)
Can you name any date place number of your glorious resistance?
pre 17 godina
Azir: So what would you call Muslims in Serbia....Serbian Muslims!!!! Claiming there is not such thing as Serbian Muslims but yet stating some rumors about Bosniak, some made up thing in the past few years. Give me a break!!!
pre 17 godina
Clearly Mr. Eagleburger's statements reflects a growing concern regarding the entrenched positions of the US and EU. Without knowing the final status and outcome of Kosovo, many acknowledge huge difficulties if a territory from a sovereign United Nations county is forcefully amputated. What is further without precedent, the EU and NATO are deciding the fate of a non member state outside the framework of the United Nations. Can someone post a link that shows the legality of this operation in the charter of these two organizations? There is none, for the US and EU have always deferred these ruling to the UN and UN security council...(Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Haiti, Somalia...the list goes on and on).
Questions to consider...why is the UN Security Council being bypassed? It can't be just because of Russia..don't be so naive. Why are international laws being ignored and ultimately broken, thus inviting upheaval for the future..who benefits? And finally, if this succeeds, why not disband the United Nations charter all together?
Whether or not your are Serbian or Albanian, pro or against independence, Kosovo DOES represent a dangerous move for the world and the established laws setforth by generations and countless casualties, starting with WW2. The UN charter is a by-product of that war, a body that was to be the ultimate peace maker between conflicting nations. Now, that hasn't been the case in many examples, but it has been a stabilizing/positive factor more often than not. Do we want to kiss the blue helmets good-bye for good? Shall we return to the days after the League of Nations that brought the rise to Stalin and Hitler and countless henchman of those two dictators? No balance, no justice, no voice for nations.
I am Serbian, and I am absolutely convinced that if I sat across the table from a reasonable Albanian, that loves his people and family as much as I love mine, that we can hammer out a compromise that is acceptable to both. It is because our two people are being pulled and twisted by outside interests that a solution has and continues to be evasive. Would it be easy and full of challenges...you bet. Would we move forward with a handshake and reconciliation. For sure. Can we move into the future as neighbors, respectful of one another...we must! Or do we accept the alternative of EVIL MEN....WAR?
pre 17 godina
Johny: "the principle of sovereignty
derives from the principle of self-determination."
Republika Srpska and North Kosovo thank you for making their point.
pre 17 godina
garry said >> Serbia became independent as
a result of the revolutions
that took place in the Balkans and the subsequent
collapse of the Ottoman
Wrong garry! Serbia was sovereign way before the Ottoman Empire came to the Balkans. The Serbs were invaded by the Turks, much like what is happening in Kosovo now. After 500 long years of resistance the Turks were defeated by the Serbs, note: The Turks did not just wake up one morning and collapse thus giving Serbia a country. In fact after the Turks lost Serbia much of the Turks other interests in other regions started to fall apart like a domino effect leading up to the Balkan Wars when the Turks were all but gone from the Balkans.
pre 17 godina
"Strong nations with influence matter, they shape history.
(KS, 8 January 2008 17:22)"
nicely written!
Russia, China and India are just getting warm!
and the US are just about to start to get increasingly isolated.. even a democratic candidate-to-be sees his chance to win in the motto "change"!
pre 17 godina
Hey Ahmet:
Your posting has the overtones of a threat of violence. It's kind of like the first 'suggestion' given to somebody by the mafia.
pre 17 godina
Excellent comments by Eagleberger only show how tragic was Milosevic's misjudgement to clash with the key US figure in our country at the time.
pre 17 godina
I am a Muslim Serb from Novi Pazar. We always lived a wonderful life in Yugoslavia within Serbia. Until the United States decided to act on destroying Europes most beautiful nation of Yugoslavia. Now these Albanians want to create a greater Albania out of Kosovo then they will come for Montenegro and Sandzak of Serbia. Then my people will be forced to call ourselves Albanians.
pre 17 godina
It seems that not only ex Yu citizens are "yugo nostalgic"
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