EU and Turkey "reach agreement on migrant crisis"

The European Union and Turkey have reached an agreement on the resolution of the migrant crisis, agencies reported on Friday.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 18.03.2016.


EU and Turkey
(Getty Images, file)

EU and Turkey "reach agreement on migrant crisis"

Finland's prime minster said on Twitter that the agreement with Turkey had been approved, something confirmed by several sources in the EU, reports AFP.

The agency said earlier, citing an unnamed senior official of the EU, that the planned start of the agreed actions should be March 20.

The prime minister of the Czech Republic, meanwhile, posted on his Twitter account to confirm that an agreement had been reached with Turkey to return all illegal migrants from Greece to that country.

European Council President Donald Tusk previously submitted a draft agreement with Turkey on combating illegal migration for approval to leaders of the 28 member states of the European Union, Reuters reported.

Reuters also published a draft of this agreement.

The draft provides for accelerated preparations for the opening of new chapters in negotiations between Ankara and Brussels on Turkey's EU membership, specifically, the opening of chapter 33 of budget and finance by the end of June, this year.

Under the proposed agreement, Ankara will accept all illegal migrants who have crossed into Greece, including the Syrian refugees, provided that the EU takes some Syrian refugees and financially rewards Turkey, grants visa-free travel to its citizens, and enables Ankara's progress in EU accession negotiations.

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