Bottles thrown at Serbs visiting cemeteries

Several hundred Serbs driven out of Priština yesterday visited the graves of their loved ones, some for the first time since 1999.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 02.11.2008.


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Several hundred Serbs driven out of Pristina yesterday visited the graves of their loved ones, some for the first time since 1999. The Kosovo Serbs forced out of Decani, Djakovica and Pec also went to the graveyards in these Metohija towns, to mark the Orthodox Christian holiday of Zadusnice (All Souls' Day). Bottles thrown at Serbs visiting cemeteries In addition to desecrated tombstones, reports say that local Albanians subjected the Serbs to verbal threats and provocation, that included bottles thrown at them. Those who visited the Orthodox cemetery in southern Kosovska Mitrovica also found that some 80 percent of the graves there were vandalized, but there were no incidents. KFOR provided escort in Pristina, while Kosovo police was protecting the Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica. The cemetery in Pristina (Beta)

Bottles thrown at Serbs visiting cemeteries

In addition to desecrated tombstones, reports say that local Albanians subjected the Serbs to verbal threats and provocation, that included bottles thrown at them.

Those who visited the Orthodox cemetery in southern Kosovska Mitrovica also found that some 80 percent of the graves there were vandalized, but there were no incidents.

KFOR provided escort in Priština, while Kosovo police was protecting the Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica.

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