Reports: RPGs used in attack on government HQ

Two projectiles that hit the government building in Skopje earlier this week were likely fired from an RPG launcher, the local media said citing expert sources.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 31.10.2014.


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Reports: RPGs used in attack on government HQ

Anti-personnel missiles were likely used, said the same sources.

The Skopje-based daily Dnevnik cites more experts who said rocket propelled grenade (RPG) launcher RBG-6 was probably used - the type of weapon that was in use during the wars in former Yugoslavia, a modern version of which is used in wars in the Middle East.

The newspaper further reported that the weapon was "most likely the same used in the 2007 attack on the government building." That incident was never resolved.

The Macedonian MUP, meanwhile, finished expert analysis of the missiles recovered at the scene, but said no other details would be made public, "as the investigation continues."

The police submitted their results to the prosecution.

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