Austria to build fence along border with Slovenia

Austria will construct a fence along its border with Slovenia, Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner has announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 28.10.2015.


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Austria to build fence along border with Slovenia

"It is about providing an orderly, controlled entry into our country, and not about closing the borders," she told Austria's public broadcaster O1.

In recent days, she said, it was observed that some groups of refugees have become increasingly impatient and were aggressive.

Mikl-Leitner told Germany's Bavaria, whose government has in recent days harshly criticized Austria, that Germany's announcement it would not expel Syrians had affected the wave of refugees.

"Signals cause reactions, and we feel those reactions," said the Austrian minister.

Austrian Defense Minister Gerald Klug has said that "the building measures that have been ordered" can be containers or a temporary fence so that refugees can be controlled in an orderly manner.

Klug pointed out that, when implementing these measures, the humane approach should not be lost, "which has been trampled by the barbed wire in Hungary."

Vice-President of the European Parliament Ulrike has spoken against fences and walls on borders.

In a statement to the Austrian state broadcaster ORF she said it was an indicator of failure, and that the money should be used to accommodate refugees in containers.

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