U.S. VP calls Croatian PM as Zagreb blocks Serbia

The phone conversation between Croatia's prime minister and U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden has attracted the attention of foreign diplomats.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 14.12.2016.


U.S. VP calls Croatian PM as Zagreb blocks Serbia
(Getty Images, file)

U.S. VP calls Croatian PM as Zagreb blocks Serbia

According to Croatian daily Jutarnji List, "the Croatian side has not confirmed Belgrade's claims that the reason for the conversation was precisely the fact Zagreb stopped Belgrade in the intention to open Chapter 26."

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic mentioned this during his news conference late on Tuesday, held a day after he left Brussels over the Croatian blockade.

Plenkovic, however, said he "did not hear him (Vucic)."

"I have been briefly informed that Vucic held a (press) conference. Things are clearer, Serbia is in the process of accession negotiations, there are a series of chapters, criteria that it should fulfill and I consider Serbia on the road to fulfilling that. Croatia gave its consent to open some chapters, while when it comes to the chapter on culture and education, Croatia maintained its reservations over certain aspects of education of minorities, and textbooks," said Plenkovic.

Asked where his conversation with Biden touched on the blockade of Serbia, he said this was discussed "only very generally" - and, as Plenkovic said, the conversation was "not about the blockade but about what he spoke about, in connection with the process of accession talks and the intent of Croatia to be of assistance to neighbors."

Nevertheless, a statement of an unnamed diplomat cited by the newspaper testifies that the Croatian authorities' refusal to allow the opening of Chapter 26 has caused a stir among diplomatic circles in Zagreb.

"We expected Croatia to now be more cooperative and demonstrate good will to open Chapter 26. Honestly, I was surprised by this decision, that resembles the decisions of the former administration," he was quoted as saying.

The Croatian newspaper also notes that the U.S. administration "also reacted when Slovenia blocked Croatia," and that this blockade was removed "when Washington warned Ljubljana it was time to find a solution to a bilateral dispute related to the border."

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