More reports about Ruecker's resignation

A Priština daily says UNMIK chief Joachim Reucker is on his way out of Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 25.04.2008.


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A Pristina daily says UNMIK chief Joachim Reucker is on his way out of Kosovo. Albanian language daily Zeri writes today that the diplomat has already notified UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the German government about this. More reports about Ruecker's resignation Italian ANSA news agency Wednesday carried a similar report, although Ruecker himself earlier this week in New York denied the speculation. The Pristina newspaper, however, quotes a Western diplomatic source as saying that Ruecker "intends to leave his post as soon as possible". The same source gave several reasons which the German diplomat allegedly gave to his government and the UN headquarters. One is that after the March 17 deadly unrest in Kosovska Mitrovica, "the reputation of the UNMIK chief has suffered", according to Zeri, "especially after a row between regional administrator Gerard Galluci and Ruecker's deputy Larry Rossin became public". A leaked report to the UN written by Galluci revealed that the American diplomat was highly critical of UNMIK's and KFOR's decision to raid the Kosovska Mitrovica courthouse where Serb judicial workers were protesting. The move sparked riots that led to the death of a UN policeman and injuring of nearly 150 people. Although he was not in Kosovo at the time of this crisis, Ruecker supported Rossin over Galluci. However, this did not influence the UN headquarters' position, which backed Galluci and rejected his resignation. The second issue quoted as the reason for the current UNMIK chief's departure are recent "confidential UNMIK Belgrade office representatives' talks with the Serbian government", where Ruecker was left out, although this office is under his jurisdiction. But UNMIK spokesperson in Pristina Sven Lindholm said several days ago that it was the UN, rather than UNMIK office in the Serbian capital, that was involved in these talks. Lastly, "poor coordination between the UN and EU over the EULEX deployment" is said to be another reason why Ruecker is contemplating leaving his position.

More reports about Ruecker's resignation

Italian ANSA news agency Wednesday carried a similar report, although Ruecker himself earlier this week in New York denied the speculation.

The Priština newspaper, however, quotes a Western diplomatic source as saying that Ruecker "intends to leave his post as soon as possible".

The same source gave several reasons which the German diplomat allegedly gave to his government and the UN headquarters.

One is that after the March 17 deadly unrest in Kosovska Mitrovica, "the reputation of the UNMIK chief has suffered", according to Zeri, "especially after a row between regional administrator Gerard Galluci and Ruecker's deputy Larry Rossin became public".

A leaked report to the UN written by Galluci revealed that the American diplomat was highly critical of UNMIK's and KFOR's decision to raid the Kosovska Mitrovica courthouse where Serb judicial workers were protesting.

The move sparked riots that led to the death of a UN policeman and injuring of nearly 150 people.

Although he was not in Kosovo at the time of this crisis, Ruecker supported Rossin over Galluci. However, this did not influence the UN headquarters' position, which backed Galluci and rejected his resignation.

The second issue quoted as the reason for the current UNMIK chief's departure are recent "confidential UNMIK Belgrade office representatives' talks with the Serbian government", where Ruecker was left out, although this office is under his jurisdiction.

But UNMIK spokesperson in Priština Sven Lindholm said several days ago that it was the UN, rather than UNMIK office in the Serbian capital, that was involved in these talks.

Lastly, "poor coordination between the UN and EU over the EULEX deployment" is said to be another reason why Ruecker is contemplating leaving his position.

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