Nikolić condemns murder in Kosovska Mitrovica

President Tomislav Nikolić has condemned <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the murder of northern Kosovska Mitrovica municipal councillor Dimitrije Janićijević</a>.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 17.01.2014.


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BELGRADE President Tomislav Nikolic has condemned the murder of northern Kosovska Mitrovica municipal councillor Dimitrije Janicijevic. In a statement late on Thursday, he demanded swift identification of the culprits. Nikolic condemns murder in Kosovska Mitrovica "This crime is an attempt to instill more fear into the Serb community in Kosovo and undermine all the effort our country has invested to stabilize the situation in Serbia's southern province," he stressed, and added: "Therefore it is necessary to identify the culprits of this crime." "This attack on the Serbs living in Kosovo, like all the previous attacks in earlier years will not deter Serbia from creating the conditions needed for a safe life of all the citizens in this part of its territory as well," the president pointed out. Tanjug

Nikolić condemns murder in Kosovska Mitrovica

"This crime is an attempt to instill more fear into the Serb community in Kosovo and undermine all the effort our country has invested to stabilize the situation in Serbia's southern province," he stressed, and added:

"Therefore it is necessary to identify the culprits of this crime."

"This attack on the Serbs living in Kosovo, like all the previous attacks in earlier years will not deter Serbia from creating the conditions needed for a safe life of all the citizens in this part of its territory as well," the president pointed out.

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