Pristina denies sending UNESCO membership request to UN

The deputy Kosovo foreign minister has denied Serbian <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">FM Ivica Dacic's statement</a> that the UN refused to forward Pristina's membership bid to UNESCO.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 12.08.2015.


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Pristina denies sending UNESCO membership request to UN

Instead, he added, "the UN refused to be the middleman in communication between Paris and Pristina, which opened the door for direct communication between Kosovo and UNESCO."

"There is no doubt at all that Kosovo's request will be considered by the Executive Board in October," said Selimi, and described Dacic's statement as "absolutely untrue."

He stressed that Pristina expects UNESCO's Executive Board to next month "give positive guidelines for Kosovo's membership," and added, "Serbia knows this very well but is trying to do propaganda and muddy the waters."

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