Putin invites Serbian counterpart to visit Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited his Serbian counterpart Tomislav Nikolic to visit Moscow soon, it has been announced.

Izvor: Sputnik

Tuesday, 10.11.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

Putin invites Serbian counterpart to visit Russia

Nikolic thanked Chepurin for Russia's vote against Kosovo's membership in UNESCO

, saying that the country once again proved itself to be "a sincere friend and ally to Serbia."

Nikolic "especially stressed it was good that the absurd and the precedent of the so-called Kosovo, which is not an internationally recognized state, becoming a member of the organization had been avoided" - something he said would have introduced "new divisions and opened the door to UNESCO's complete politicization."

The details of Nikolic's visit to Russia will be determined in early December, when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will arrive in Belgrade.

Nikolic and Chepurin today also agreed on the details of the upcoming visit of federal Russian agency Rossotrudnichestvo Director Lyubov Glebova, who also serves as Russia's coordinator in the project to fresco paint St. Sava's Temple in Belgrade.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic was recently in Russia for a three-day visit when he met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and President Vladimir Putin.

Ambassador Chepurin commented on Vucic's trip to say it was "the most productive and content-rich visit of a Serbian prime minister in the past years, perhaps decades."

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