“We must not say we won’t go to war over Kosovo”

Serbia must not say that it will not go to war over Kosovo, Serbia’s Interior Minister Ivica Dačić has said.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 23.11.2011.


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Serbia must not say that it will not go to war over Kosovo, Serbia’s Interior Minister Ivica Dacic has said. He stressed that such a statement would be a wrong message to Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. “We must not say we won’t go to war over Kosovo” The minister told B92 that this must not be said because a “balance of fear” was necessary for the sake of security in the region. Dacic said that one could not say that “Kosovo is lost” because it was an important part of Serbia “which is eternal”. “We lost Kosovo and got it back several times in history,” he pointed out. The interior minister added that it should also not be said that “Serbia cannot survive without the European Union” because Serbia could do without it but wanted to join it nevertheless. Dacic said that the Kosovo issue had never been one of the conditions for the EU integration “as it is claimed now”. “Kosovo was not mentioned in any of the European documents I saw. As the ministries in the government we were getting documents with tasks that were supposed to be completed and all the ministries adjusted. We have fulfilled all the conditions from the documents,” he explained. Ivica Dacic (FoNet, file)

“We must not say we won’t go to war over Kosovo”

The minister told B92 that this must not be said because a “balance of fear” was necessary for the sake of security in the region.

Dačić said that one could not say that “Kosovo is lost” because it was an important part of Serbia “which is eternal”.

“We lost Kosovo and got it back several times in history,” he pointed out.

The interior minister added that it should also not be said that “Serbia cannot survive without the European Union” because Serbia could do without it but wanted to join it nevertheless.

Dačić said that the Kosovo issue had never been one of the conditions for the EU integration “as it is claimed now”.

“Kosovo was not mentioned in any of the European documents I saw. As the ministries in the government we were getting documents with tasks that were supposed to be completed and all the ministries adjusted. We have fulfilled all the conditions from the documents,” he explained.

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