Kosovo govt. announces new round of talks

The sixth round of Belgrade-Priština talks will be held in Brussels on July 20-21, the Kosovo government stated Friday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 16.07.2011.


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The sixth round of Belgrade-Pristina talks will be held in Brussels on July 20-21, the Kosovo government stated Friday. Head of the Pristina team Edita Tahiri conferred with EU special representative in Kosovo Fernando Gentilini on Friday, and conveyed that she was ready for the forthcoming round of talks, at which the issues of telecommunications, energy, free trade and cadastres will be discussed, the statement reads. Kosovo govt. announces new round of talks Tahiri and Gentilini discussed the course of the dialogue so far and the agreements possibly to be made in the next round of talks. So far, Belgrade and Pristina have reached an agreement on the citizens' freedom of movement, civil registry books, and validation of university diplomas.

Kosovo govt. announces new round of talks

Tahiri and Gentilini discussed the course of the dialogue so far and the agreements possibly to be made in the next round of talks.

So far, Belgrade and Priština have reached an agreement on the citizens' freedom of movement, civil registry books, and validation of university diplomas.

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