Still no decision on Ašner extradition

No decision has yet been taken on the extradition of Milivoj Ašner because an expert first needs to confirm whether he is able to stand trial.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 02.10.2008.


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No decision has yet been taken on the extradition of Milivoj Asner because an expert first needs to confirm whether he is able to stand trial. The 95 year-old is accused of war crimes against Serbs, Jews, and Roma during World War II. Still no decision on Asner extradition The Austrian government has called for a medical expert to confirm whether Asner is fit to stand trial before agreeing to extradite him. Asner, who lives in Klagenfurt, has not been extradited to Zagreb because previous medical examinations diagnosed him as unfit to face questioning or stand trial. Having been spotted last summer walking the streets of Klagenfurt during the European football Championships, and giving an interview to a British tabloid, the case has returned to the media spotlight. The case has led the Simon Wiesenthal Center to characterize Austria as a “paradise for war criminals” and the center has asked for a foreign doctor to be called in to evaluate the suspect’s health, because it does not believe the opinion of the Austrian experts. Joerg Haider, the infamous Austrian right-wing politician and current governor of Carinthia, has called on the government to leave Asner, whom he describes as a model citizen, alone and let him live out the rest of his life in peace. Klagenfurt prosecution spokesman Norbert Jenny said several weeks ago that a Swiss doctor would be examining Asner to show that Austria was not protecting the suspect. However, the Swiss psychiatrist had to cancel because of other obligations and the court is now looking for another expert. If Asner is deemed able to stand trial, he will first be questioned in Klagenfurt where all the documentation concerning his extradition will be checked, said Austrian Justice Ministry spokesman Thomas Geiblinger. “It will be assessed whether there are any real grounds for his extradition and whether the human rights situation in that country is adequate. A fair trial can be expected in Croatia,” he stressed. The extradition would also require Slovenia’s approval, through which Asner would be extradited, Geiblinger explained.

Still no decision on Ašner extradition

The Austrian government has called for a medical expert to confirm whether Ašner is fit to stand trial before agreeing to extradite him.

Ašner, who lives in Klagenfurt, has not been extradited to Zagreb because previous medical examinations diagnosed him as unfit to face questioning or stand trial.

Having been spotted last summer walking the streets of Klagenfurt during the European football Championships, and giving an interview to a British tabloid, the case has returned to the media spotlight.

The case has led the Simon Wiesenthal Center to characterize Austria as a “paradise for war criminals” and the center has asked for a foreign doctor to be called in to evaluate the suspect’s health, because it does not believe the opinion of the Austrian experts.

Joerg Haider, the infamous Austrian right-wing politician and current governor of Carinthia, has called on the government to leave Ašner, whom he describes as a model citizen, alone and let him live out the rest of his life in peace.

Klagenfurt prosecution spokesman Norbert Jenny said several weeks ago that a Swiss doctor would be examining Ašner to show that Austria was not protecting the suspect.

However, the Swiss psychiatrist had to cancel because of other obligations and the court is now looking for another expert.

If Ašner is deemed able to stand trial, he will first be questioned in Klagenfurt where all the documentation concerning his extradition will be checked, said Austrian Justice Ministry spokesman Thomas Geiblinger.

“It will be assessed whether there are any real grounds for his extradition and whether the human rights situation in that country is adequate. A fair trial can be expected in Croatia,” he stressed.

The extradition would also require Slovenia’s approval, through which Ašner would be extradited, Geiblinger explained.

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