Order issued: Americans, get ready for "a worst case scenario"

The White House has reportedly ordered the Defense Department to begin preparing plans for a "Worst-Case Scenario" in the Middle East.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 24.10.2023.


Order issued: Americans, get ready for
Foto: Profimedia

Order issued: Americans, get ready for "a worst case scenario"

That scenario would mean the United States would have to evacuate hundreds of thousands of American nationals from the region.

This means that hundreds of thousands of American citizens would be evacuated from the region, of which about 600,000 are in Israel and Lebanon, the Washington Post said, citing as many as four officials involved in the development of that plan.

The top officials, as further stated, are keeping that plan a secret, so as not to create panic among American citizens.

Just to reiterate, Israel has not yet launched a ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, and it was allegedly suggested to it by the U.S. leadership, concerned about the safety of both the hostages held by Hamas and its own "interests" in the Middle East. American citizens are certainly among them. Also, there is a justified fear that, if the Israeli Defense Forces enter the Gaza Strip, at that moment the conflict will spread and involve almost all the surrounding countries. The greatest danger comes from Hamas in Lebanon, but also from Iran, which the American administration, having in mind the presidential elections and being already under fire for financing the war in Ukraine, does not need at all. Although the claims made on the X social network have not been officially confirmed, it is known that the State Department has already ordered its staff from the US Embassy in Iraq to evacuate, and they have also raised the level of warning for American citizens not to travel to the Middle East under any circumstances.

They were told they could be attacked.

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