"It sank? They have more capacities at sea"

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby believes that the incident with the Russian warship "Moscow" will affect Russia's military potential at sea in the short term.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 15.04.2022.


Tanjug/Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies via AP

"It sank? They have more capacities at sea"

The Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby told CNN: “We’re not quite exactly sure what happened here. We do assess that there was an explosion, at least one explosion, on this cruiser – a fairly major one at that – that has caused extensive damage to the ship.”

The sinking of the warship is a "big blow" to Russia's naval strength in the Black Sea, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

"This is...a key part of their efforts to execute some sort of naval dominance in the Black Sea," he told CNN.

In addition, he stated that Russia "has enough capacity at sea".

As he stated, Russia has and has had between 10 and 20 ships that have been active in the Black and Azov Seas since the start of the operation in Ukraine, so it is "difficult to say what exactly the effect of disabling this ship will be."

"They still have a sufficient number of military capacities at sea, however, this is going to have an effect on their capabilities", Kirby concluded.

Kirby said the United States could not confirm the exact cause of the ship's demise.

Earlier, it was announced that a fire broke out on the missile warship "Moscow", as a result of which the ammunition detonated and the flagship sank.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia stated that the crew of the ship was evacuated, as well as that the basic missile weapon of the battleship was not damaged.

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