Greek defense minister dismisses top military chiefs

Greek Defense Minister Panos Beglitis has dismissed the country’s entire military brass – chief of the general staff and Army, Air Force and Navy commanders.

Izvor: Politika

Thursday, 03.11.2011.


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Greek Defense Minister Panos Beglitis has dismissed the country’s entire military brass – chief of the general staff and Army, Air Force and Navy commanders. Public is in shock and the opposition has requested an explanation, adding that such political maneuver is “indicative in the moment when Prime Minister (George) Papandreou is losing trust in his own party and among the people”, especially after the decision to hold a referendum on EU bailout. Greek defense minister dismisses top military chiefs According to some sources, the shakeup in the Greek military was a surprise both to the military and the members of the government and it is assumed that it is directly connected to the instability in Greece. After the breakdown of the military junta in 1974, the government has not had any significant control of the army and its top officers are usually elected based on party loyalty. A direct reason for the military shakeup were incidents during the recent celebration of the “No Day”. A military parade in Thessaloniki was canceled due to the incidents that took place. Reuters has reported that the Greek government's sacking of its military brass at the height of the debt crisis may signal that the cabinet sees its own days as numbered, but the outside world need not worry about the army installing a junta as it did four decades ago. In the meantime Athens has largely shrugged off suggestions that appeared in foreign media that the firing on Tuesday of top generals might have been aimed at thwarting a coup. Nevertheless, experts on Greek politics say the move could signal haste on the part of Papandreou's cabinet to make sweeping changes before it loses office amid the deepening crisis over debt, Reuters says. The Greek prime minister called an emergency government session on Thursday. The Greek government will on Friday face a confidence vote in parliament. The government could fall since a group of ruling PASOK MPs requested Papandreou’s resignation, claiming that he had jeopardized the bailout agreement by calling the referendum.

Greek defense minister dismisses top military chiefs

According to some sources, the shakeup in the Greek military was a surprise both to the military and the members of the government and it is assumed that it is directly connected to the instability in Greece.

After the breakdown of the military junta in 1974, the government has not had any significant control of the army and its top officers are usually elected based on party loyalty.

A direct reason for the military shakeup were incidents during the recent celebration of the “No Day”. A military parade in Thessaloniki was canceled due to the incidents that took place.

Reuters has reported that the Greek government's sacking of its military brass at the height of the debt crisis may signal that the cabinet sees its own days as numbered, but the outside world need not worry about the army installing a junta as it did four decades ago.

In the meantime Athens has largely shrugged off suggestions that appeared in foreign media that the firing on Tuesday of top generals might have been aimed at thwarting a coup.

Nevertheless, experts on Greek politics say the move could signal haste on the part of Papandreou's cabinet to make sweeping changes before it loses office amid the deepening crisis over debt, Reuters says.

The Greek prime minister called an emergency government session on Thursday.

The Greek government will on Friday face a confidence vote in parliament. The government could fall since a group of ruling PASOK MPs requested Papandreou’s resignation, claiming that he had jeopardized the bailout agreement by calling the referendum.

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