Edi Rama reacted: "Listen, Pristina..."

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that Pristina should carefully listen to its allies and not go down the path on which the so-called Kosovo suffers damage.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 30.05.2023.


Edi Rama reacted:
Tanjug/AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic

Edi Rama reacted: "Listen, Pristina..."

"It's not an appeal, but a necessity," Rama wrote on Twitter last night.

He added that he considers the "blind aggressors" directly responsible for the injuries of the KFOR soldiers.

"Unfortunately, this harms Kosovo in the eyes of its irreplaceable allies and friends. The longer this dangerous and unnecessary conflict lasts, the more it harms Kosovo," said Rama.

He pointed out that the conflict that repeats every year, with Serbia "which exposes its troops on the border where its power is equal to zero" and Kosovo which shows unwillingness to finalize dialogue, "can only be resolved through dialogue and powerful allies".

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