"Thousands of refugees prevented from entering Hungary"

Several thousand refugees tried to enter Hungary illegally over the past few days, but they were stopped, Zarko Obradovic said in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 23.06.2015.


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"Thousands of refugees prevented from entering Hungary"

“The number of migrants exceeds the capacities of Serbia... Serbia cannot resolve this issue on its own, while the neighboring Hungary plans to put up a wall to prevent the inflow of migrants,” Obradovic stressed.

He urged the Council of Europe and the European Union to support Serbia, which shares the European values and wants to be part of the solution to this joint problem, the Serbian parliament said in a statement on Tuesday.

Obradovic informed the members of the PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons about the sharp increase in the number of migrants in Serbia, and the problems that the country is facing as a result.

Serbia has received more than 30,000 migrants since the beginning of the year, and provided them with food, clothes and medical assistance in temporary accommodation centers. The migrants are coming to Serbia from EU member states Bulgaria and Greece, via Macedonia, noted Obradovic.

He added that the Serbian government plans to launch an initiative for holding a regional conference on this subject.

PACE Rapporteur Tineke Strik of the Netherlands welcomed the initiative and said that the presented information will be included in her report to the PACE Migration Committee.

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