Two Serbs detained in the north of Kosovo

Two Serbs were detained today in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 20.09.2023.


Two Serbs detained in the north of Kosovo

Two Serbs detained in the north of Kosovo

Two Serbs - I.E. from Kosovska Mitrovica and D.M. from Zvečan, who were taken into custody today, are in the custody unit in Priština, confirmed for Tanjug the deputy director of the so-called Kosovo Police for the North Mitrovica region, Veton Elšani.

"Our unit assisted today's apprehension, but we have no information about what they are charged with. After the apprehension, they were transported to Pristina," said Elšani.

It is stated that Elezović was arrested before noon in the northern part of Mitrovica near the Technical School, and the motive for his arrest is not known, his son Nikola stated.

"They didn't tell us why he was detained or where he is," Nikola Elezović said.

Former Kosovo policeman D.M. was detained in Zvečan.

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