Wednesday, 20.09.2023.


Two Serbs detained in the north of Kosovo

Two Serbs were detained today in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: Tanjug

Two Serbs detained in the north of Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 8 meseci

No surprise that a former policeman is arrested, is it..?? And other former policemen have also been arrested. Aint it strange how ex policemen are only now being charged with "war crimes"..?? Where were the checks before they became cops? EA, you know very well that kurki is just terrorising the Serbian population with the aim being to force Serbs out of K+M.
Since kurti is in office as so called PM there have been well over 400 incidents against Serbs. Incidents such as burning of homes and property, arrests on fake charges, shootings (even at children), etc.
Tell us EA what was the 11 year old Serbian boy guilty of back in january to justify being shot?? Was he a "war criminal" as well..??
And for sll the looting, beatings, shootings, burning of property, etc, not a single zlbo has been arrested.... Aint that amazing.??

But, EA, Belgrade is keeping an eye on events and noting all the injustice. And whfn wrongs are put right you albos will be p*ssing your pants and screaming "heljp nato heljp"......


pre 8 meseci

Being a Serb, back, yellow, gay...does not make you immune from prosecution...

Hope at least we agree on the above.
(EA, 20 September 2023 12:07)
Definitely agree but when Serbs are being arrested left, right and center in Kosovo without anyone knowing where they are there is a sinister reason for it.
Is this man given a chance to call his lawyer? I am betting not. Can anyone else call the lawyer for him? NO. Because nobody knows where he is for starters.
Kurti is a mafia boss and his goons are doing his dirty work trying to provoke Serbia in a conflict.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

So here we go again.
You apparently created a monster called "Kosova".
This land belongs to Serbia. And Serbs should and will not tolerate these abuses and flagrant disregard for the rule of law. So again, dear E.U. and the U.S., purely under the Clinton Adminisyrstion, FIX this mess you made.


pre 8 meseci

"They didn't tell us why he was detained or where he is," Nikola Elezović said.

I am preatty sure they were told or will be told in due course but maybe they wanted to hear it in Serbian....but then the issue would be that Kosovo Police did not speak Serbian perfectly and Lajcak would need to be called in...

What a nonsense...!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 meseci

Serb's still some how surviving in the new democracy kosova are by albo siptars considered scum and criminals that need to be eradicated like vermin. Serb's still surviving in greater albania kosova have no rights just like the Jewish people did not have any rights in Europe with hitler's nazi Final Solution . So pretty much like what happen to the Jewish people in WW2 the same story for Serbs now who are still surviving some how in nazi croatia and greater albania, they are only considered scum and vermin that need to be eradicated !!!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 meseci

Serb's still some how surviving in the new democracy kosova are by albo siptars considered scum and criminals that need to be eradicated like vermin. Serb's still surviving in greater albania kosova have no rights just like the Jewish people did not have any rights in Europe with hitler's nazi Final Solution . So pretty much like what happen to the Jewish people in WW2 the same story for Serbs now who are still surviving some how in nazi croatia and greater albania, they are only considered scum and vermin that need to be eradicated !!!


pre 8 meseci

Being a Serb, back, yellow, gay...does not make you immune from prosecution...

Hope at least we agree on the above.
(EA, 20 September 2023 12:07)
Definitely agree but when Serbs are being arrested left, right and center in Kosovo without anyone knowing where they are there is a sinister reason for it.
Is this man given a chance to call his lawyer? I am betting not. Can anyone else call the lawyer for him? NO. Because nobody knows where he is for starters.
Kurti is a mafia boss and his goons are doing his dirty work trying to provoke Serbia in a conflict.


pre 8 meseci

No surprise that a former policeman is arrested, is it..?? And other former policemen have also been arrested. Aint it strange how ex policemen are only now being charged with "war crimes"..?? Where were the checks before they became cops? EA, you know very well that kurki is just terrorising the Serbian population with the aim being to force Serbs out of K+M.
Since kurti is in office as so called PM there have been well over 400 incidents against Serbs. Incidents such as burning of homes and property, arrests on fake charges, shootings (even at children), etc.
Tell us EA what was the 11 year old Serbian boy guilty of back in january to justify being shot?? Was he a "war criminal" as well..??
And for sll the looting, beatings, shootings, burning of property, etc, not a single zlbo has been arrested.... Aint that amazing.??

But, EA, Belgrade is keeping an eye on events and noting all the injustice. And whfn wrongs are put right you albos will be p*ssing your pants and screaming "heljp nato heljp"......


pre 8 meseci

"They didn't tell us why he was detained or where he is," Nikola Elezović said.

I am preatty sure they were told or will be told in due course but maybe they wanted to hear it in Serbian....but then the issue would be that Kosovo Police did not speak Serbian perfectly and Lajcak would need to be called in...

What a nonsense...!

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

So here we go again.
You apparently created a monster called "Kosova".
This land belongs to Serbia. And Serbs should and will not tolerate these abuses and flagrant disregard for the rule of law. So again, dear E.U. and the U.S., purely under the Clinton Adminisyrstion, FIX this mess you made.


pre 8 meseci

"They didn't tell us why he was detained or where he is," Nikola Elezović said.

I am preatty sure they were told or will be told in due course but maybe they wanted to hear it in Serbian....but then the issue would be that Kosovo Police did not speak Serbian perfectly and Lajcak would need to be called in...

What a nonsense...!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 meseci

Serb's still some how surviving in the new democracy kosova are by albo siptars considered scum and criminals that need to be eradicated like vermin. Serb's still surviving in greater albania kosova have no rights just like the Jewish people did not have any rights in Europe with hitler's nazi Final Solution . So pretty much like what happen to the Jewish people in WW2 the same story for Serbs now who are still surviving some how in nazi croatia and greater albania, they are only considered scum and vermin that need to be eradicated !!!

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

So here we go again.
You apparently created a monster called "Kosova".
This land belongs to Serbia. And Serbs should and will not tolerate these abuses and flagrant disregard for the rule of law. So again, dear E.U. and the U.S., purely under the Clinton Adminisyrstion, FIX this mess you made.


pre 8 meseci

Being a Serb, back, yellow, gay...does not make you immune from prosecution...

Hope at least we agree on the above.
(EA, 20 September 2023 12:07)
Definitely agree but when Serbs are being arrested left, right and center in Kosovo without anyone knowing where they are there is a sinister reason for it.
Is this man given a chance to call his lawyer? I am betting not. Can anyone else call the lawyer for him? NO. Because nobody knows where he is for starters.
Kurti is a mafia boss and his goons are doing his dirty work trying to provoke Serbia in a conflict.


pre 8 meseci

No surprise that a former policeman is arrested, is it..?? And other former policemen have also been arrested. Aint it strange how ex policemen are only now being charged with "war crimes"..?? Where were the checks before they became cops? EA, you know very well that kurki is just terrorising the Serbian population with the aim being to force Serbs out of K+M.
Since kurti is in office as so called PM there have been well over 400 incidents against Serbs. Incidents such as burning of homes and property, arrests on fake charges, shootings (even at children), etc.
Tell us EA what was the 11 year old Serbian boy guilty of back in january to justify being shot?? Was he a "war criminal" as well..??
And for sll the looting, beatings, shootings, burning of property, etc, not a single zlbo has been arrested.... Aint that amazing.??

But, EA, Belgrade is keeping an eye on events and noting all the injustice. And whfn wrongs are put right you albos will be p*ssing your pants and screaming "heljp nato heljp"......