B92.net at Pride Parade: They sprinkle us with holy water; Flags of Ukraine and SFRY

Directly from the streets of Belgrade, we bring you the impressions of the participants and the latest events from the EuroPride Parade.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 17.09.2022.


B92.net at Pride Parade: They sprinkle us with holy water; Flags of Ukraine and SFRY
Foto: Milan Marièiæ /ATAImage

B92.net at Pride Parade: They sprinkle us with holy water; Flags of Ukraine and SFRY

So far, about 150 participants of "EuroPride" have arrived, reports a reporter from the scene. There are many foreigners among those present. Many of the participants do not speak Serbian. Despite the rain, protests and a large number of police officers, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, the atmosphere is still very positive and cheerful.
The participants of the liturgy, who are trying to prevent the walk, members of the LGBT population, as well as those who support them, managed to pour water on them on several occasions. According to word, it is about holy water, which they believe will change the attitudes and sexual orientation of the participants of the "pride".

Apart from the holy water, it is noticeable that the participants of the church procession wear icons and sing original Kosovo songs. Више о овом изворном тексту За додатне информације о превођењу треба вам

Бочне табле

The number of participants increased rapidly - a super grandpa has a super banner

Now there are already between 600 and 700 participants in the parade, reports our journalist from the scene and sends a photo of a former fellow citizen with an educational banner.

As he says, the police managed to elegantly remove all the counter-protesters who tried to sabotage the gathering and march of the LGBT population. They did it in a non-violent and incident-free way.

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Pride participants overcome the cold and rain with foreign pop hits. Britney Spears and Lady Gaga are the most listened to, and the euphoria among the participants is huge and it seems that the presence of the police, as well as the opponents of EuroPride, does not disturb them at all.

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