US ambassador says he had "excellent" meeting with Vucic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Friday in Belgrade with US Ambassador Kyle Scott.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 16.11.2018.


US ambassador says he had

US ambassador says he had "excellent" meeting with Vucic

Vucic informed Scott that, by introducing taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pristina had violated the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).

Vucic "expressed his satisfaction with increasing trade between Serbia and the US, which was about 30 percent in the first nine months, as well as strengthening the interest of US investment companies in Serbia."

Scott "called on Belgrade and Pristina to show flexibility in reaching a solution that would contribute to regional stability and the continuation of dialogue," the statement said.

Vucic and Scott also talked about US support to the European path of Serbia, which, among other things, is reflected in the financial assistance for the implementation of the reform process.

After the meeting, Scott took to Twitter to post the following message: "Excellent meeting with President Vucic during which we discussed the need for courageous leadership in the ongoing dialogue with Pristina in order to reach a comprehensive agreement on normalization."

Scott's tweet quoted the one posted by Vucic that read, "I am pleased with the increase in trade between Serbia and the US, which is about 30 percent in the first nine months, as well as the strengthening of the interest of US investment companies in Serbia."

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