Working behind Biden's back? "Joseph has not been informed"

US President Joe Biden hasn't been informed of Israel's plan for military operations in Rafah, but believes civilian lives must be protected, Jake Sullivan said

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 25.02.2024.


Working behind Biden's back?
Foto: Profimedia

Working behind Biden's back? "Joseph has not been informed"

"We do not believe that an operation, a major military operation, should continue in Rafah unless there is a clear and enforceable plan to protect these civilians, to move them to safe places, feed them, train them and house them," the White House adviser Sullivan told national security, reported Reuters.

U.S. President Joseph Biden has repeatedly warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he should not carry out a military operation in Rafah without a proper feasible plan to protect Palestinian civilians.

Israel has announced a ground invasion of the city of Rafah in the extreme south of the Gaza Strip, which is home to more than a million Palestinians, and international humanitarian organizations and some world officials warn that this will further complicate the poor humanitarian situation for Palestinian civilians.

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