Europe in chaos

Europe must prepare for the second largest wave of migrants after seven years, because otherwise chaos threatens, warns migration expert Gerald Knaus.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 15.03.2022.


Europe in chaos
Tanjug/ AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Europe in chaos

Knaus told the daily "Kleine Zeitung" that the war in Ukraine caused a huge wave of refugees, which, after only two weeks, exceeded the total number of refugees from the former Yugoslavia during the conflict in the region.

Knaus points out that the great advantage, compared to the migrant wave in 2015, is that the EU's entry into force of one guideline that specify that the approval of nation states is no longer needed.

However, he emphasizes that decisive action of the states with the support of the citizens is needed.

Knaus says that organization is necessary, because if they do not succeed in transferring refugees to those areas that have expressed readiness to receive them, chaos threatens again.

He says that in the coming weeks, millions of people, primarily through Austria and Germany, will wander through the EU in search of accommodation, if the organization is not successful.

He pointed out that the current wave of refugees cannot be compared to the migrant crisis in 2015, because many fewer people came then, and added that the wave at the time was only an "exercise" for what was to come.

Knaus suggested that Europe should react to the wave of refugees. According to him, it would be useful to establish a headquarters with former leading politicians and communication experts.

In this regard, Knaus proposed Barack Obama, emphasizing that such political figures outside the EU can also appeal for the reception of refugees.

In his analysis, Knaus emphasizes that no EU country is currently prepared for what awaits it.

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