"NATO won't build military bases in Montenegro, unless..."

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says the alliance will not have military bases in Montenegro - unless it is invited by Podgorica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 07.11.2017.


(Getty Images, file)

"NATO won't build military bases in Montenegro, unless..."

"There will be no NATO activities without the consent of the Montenegrin government. NATO is only where it is welcomed by that country. There are no plans for a NATO base until we are invited," he stressed.

Earlier, one of Democratic Front's leaders, Milan Knezevic, said that NATO would very soon build two military bases in Montenegro.

"These plans will be realized over the next two years, by 2019. It's highly likely that one base will on on the coast, and the other in the mountains," Knezevic told Russia's Izvestia newspaper.

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