Russia condemned for eviction of broadcaster

The Russian authorities have been condemned "for forcing the independent TV channel, TV Dozhd, out from its premises in Moscow."

Izvor: EFJ

Tuesday, 09.12.2014.


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Russia condemned for eviction of broadcaster

According to the EFJ affiliate, RUJ, this is the second time in a few months that TV Dozhd has been evicted from its premises due to its critical reporting on the authorities and political figures.

Earlier this year, TV Dozhd was forced off the air when it was dropped from the schedules of several Russian cable TV services. It is considered as the last independent voice broadcasting on a public frequency in Russia.

“We face attempts of Russian authorities and businesses to limit media diversity, independent media and journalists in Russia. TV Dozhd is one of the many victims.” said Nadezda Azhgikhina, the EFJ Vice-President and RUJ International Secretary.

TV2, another independent TV channel will face closure at the end of this year.

“We hope that common sense will win and this practice will end,” added Azhgikhina.

The EFJ has called on the Russian authorities to respect international standards on freedom of expression and information.

“The authorities must stop their ongoing attacks on journalists and independent media now,” said Ricardo Gutierrez, EFJ General Secretary.

Azhgikhina and other RUJ representatives will meet with Natalia Sindeeva, the chief editor of TV Dozhd to discuss ways to continue its broadcasts and counter the attack on media. Meanwhile, Sindeeva has resumed its broadcasts on Monday from her flat in Moscow.

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