Roma accuse French minister of racial hatred

The Roma living in France say they wish to initiate legal action against Interior Minister Interior Manuel Valls, and accuse him of inciting racial hatred.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 15.03.2013.


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PARIS The Roma living in France say they wish to initiate legal action against Interior Minister Interior Manuel Valls, and accuse him of inciting racial hatred. They resolved to this step because the minister promised to continue a controversial program of dismantling of illegal Roma camps. Roma accuse French minister of racial hatred The announcement came after Valls was quoted as telling right-wing newspaper Le Figaro that 20,000 Roma immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania are not interested in integrating into the French society. According to the minister, this is the case "because of cultural reasons, or because they are part of networks of beggars or prostitution." Activist group Roma Voice pointed out that the comments were a "pack of lies" aimed at erasing the entire Roma community, AFP reported. "This interview is a very bad sign," the organization said in a statement, adding that it signaled a tougher policy than the one established in 2003. The group also announced that it would report Valls' comments to the European Union, which is constantly reviewing the legality of the French policy of systematic dismantling of illegal Roma camps and their return to Bulgaria and Romania. Last year nearly 12,000 Roma were evicted from camps across France. Accused of racism: Manuel Valls (Beta/AP, file) Tanjug

Roma accuse French minister of racial hatred

The announcement came after Valls was quoted as telling right-wing newspaper Le Figaro that 20,000 Roma immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania are not interested in integrating into the French society.

According to the minister, this is the case "because of cultural reasons, or because they are part of networks of beggars or prostitution."

Activist group Roma Voice pointed out that the comments were a "pack of lies" aimed at erasing the entire Roma community, AFP reported.

"This interview is a very bad sign," the organization said in a statement, adding that it signaled a tougher policy than the one established in 2003.

The group also announced that it would report Valls' comments to the European Union, which is constantly reviewing the legality of the French policy of systematic dismantling of illegal Roma camps and their return to Bulgaria and Romania.

Last year nearly 12,000 Roma were evicted from camps across France.

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