"Everything bad that could have hit us - did hit us" VIDEO

At a press conference, Aleksandar Vucic and Ana Brnabic said Serbia was going to face the toughest days of fighting coronavirus in the coming period

Izvor: B92

Friday, 27.03.2020.


Foto: Printskrin, Tanjug

"Everything bad that could have hit us - did hit us" VIDEO

The total number of hospitalizations is 302, and 42 people have recovered from coronavirus, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said.

At the beginning of his address, Vucic cited the number of people who died in Europe today, with particular emphasis on Italy, in which 969 people died in the last 24 hours.

"By the numbers you see, we will not be in an enviable situation in the weeks to come. More extensive testing will begin in the next three days, and hospitals are getting fuller," he said.

"We'll have to take the Sports Hall in New Belgrade or the Pionir Sports Hall," he said.

According to the President, 200 or more people will be coming to hospitals soon on a daily basis.

"We cannot do much here but ask the people to stay in their homes," President Vucic explains.

He also says that 135 transport respirators have already been deployed throughout Serbia.

Vucic said that it is very difficult to get medical equipment in the world market nowadays.

"Last night, we received 120,000 epidemiological masks, which are now being distributed to health care institutions across Serbia, and we are now receiving 15 million epidemiological masks in the next day, and tomorrow we will have 3.5 million," Vucic said.

We made sure we got everything that neither New York nor many European centers have.

"As for the respirator, I have not seen it in my life. There is a general hijacking in the global respirator market. The contract is not valid even when you pay in advance, because they will not sign contracts with penalties, so they sell for a higher price and give you back money," Vucic said.

Vucic says that we have significantly more clinical respirators, and that almost every place has received transport respirators so that our patients do not die as they arrive at larger health centers.

He adds that the transport respirator can serve as a clinical for three days. To Montenegro's accusations that Serbia hijacked three respirators, Vucic says:
"We have not hijacked any respirators, but we are prepared to donate three respirators. They do not have to pay," he explains.

In addition, the president states that it is Serbia's duty to help the people of Kosovo.

The most serious obligation, however, is to Republika Srpska.

"They were also looking for basic medical means of work, we will see what we can do to help," he says and explains that 6 out of the 27 requested types of medicines will be sent to Republika Srpska.

There will be no heavy measures and city closures, but we are nearing the day when we will have up to 30 dead per day.

Coronavirus did not enter gerontology centers, the president cited as good news, saying it had destroyed Italy and Spain.

The most affected are still those with chronic illnesses and the elderly population.

"My plea to the citizens of Serbia is not to leave the house. I will repeat it numerous times. It is the only way to preserve yourself and your beloved ones", President reiterated.

"If we had not rebuilt Zemun Hospital and Dragisa Misovic, we would be on our knees now," he explains, adding:

"Everything that could have gone wrong - did go wrong."

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