Macedonian opposition leader announces "huge protest"

The leader of Macedonia's opposition SDSM party <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Zoran Zaev</a> has announced protests "that will last until the government resigns."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.04.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

Macedonian opposition leader announces "huge protest"

"The material that we will share with the public today confirms what we talked about. The data came from the Directorate of Security at the Interior Ministry, that is, (it shows) that Saso Miyalkov and Nikola Gruevski have been conducting unauthorized eavesdropping for years," said the SDSM leader.

A part of "the evidence" was, he said, "made in Excel" and contains "more than 10,000 pages of material submitted to the Prosecution."

"The SDSM has a huge amount of documentation which is the property of the Republic of Macedonia. All that we have in our possession will be submitted to the relevant state authorities as soon as the conditions are met for the separation of the state and the government," he as quoted as saying.

Zaev also said that his party has "more than 100,000 transcripts, more than 18,000 text messages, more than 12,000 telephone numbers," and that "10,000 pages have already been submitted to the Public Prosecutor's Office."

Asked by reporters "whether a protest will be organized on May 9," he said there would be a protest next month, but that he "still does not know the exact date."

"In May there will be a big, unprecedented protest of citizens of Macedonia. And when will this protest will be held will be decided by citizens ... We'll decide together with them," he said, not wanting to reveal what the protest will look like, and "under which scenario it will take place."

"Anger is growing. Anger will pour onto the streets of the capital, but this will be no ordinary protests, where we come, say what we have to, and leave. This time we will not leave until this government has left," said Zaev.

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