Another country decided to withdraw recognition of Kosovo’s independence?

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed the public from Germany.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 17.02.2023.


Another country decided to withdraw recognition of Kosovo’s independence?

Another country decided to withdraw recognition of Kosovo’s independence?

Vučić stated that the dialogue with Pristina was a key topic in all the talks, as well as our bilateral relations.

“The key topic was the dialogue with Pristina, as well as our bilateral relations, both political and economic and, of course, Serbia’s European perspective. What is important is that I think we encountered respect from the representatives of the US, Germany, France, Great Britain and Greece,” said Vucic.

"The talks were good, but nothing momentous can happen. Considering all that, it is good that we came to explain our position. We were met with respect. We are in possession of yet another note on the withdrawal of recognition, but in agreement with that country, we will wait for the 23rd, 24th of February... The agreement is to wait ten days before releasing the name of the country", said Vučić.

"People in Serbia must understand that our job is to preserve peace and our national interests, and that is a very difficult job," said Vučić.

"I'm going to speak about the Community of Serbian Municipalities. You can't sign something 10 years ago and then say Vučić wants a cup of coffee but without a cup. You have to fulfill what you signed, and then we can talk further," said Vučić.

"Otherwise, that hero would have taken action," said Vučić commenting on the statement of Ponoš, then Chief of General Staff, that he did not react to the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence in 2008, because he did not receive any instructions, given that President Tadić was out of the country.

"Am I anesthetizing the people with stories about gold? I feel sorry for those people. With stories about special forces? They didn't have boots in his time, not to mention the salaries that today are two and a half times higher than they were back then. What rubbish and nonsense! Are the people that are telling me about amputation, the same who said in the election campaign that on April 3, immediately after the election, I would introduce sanctions on Russia, and that they would never introduce them, and then on April 3 they said - let's introduce sanctions against Russia, and Vucic, if my memory serves me correctly, has not yet introduced sanctions against Russia. So much for the truth," said Vucic.

"We have an epidemic of heroism in Serbia. These are people who participated in the worst decisions for Serbia and Kosovo. Not to mention that they melted tanks, while arrows, wasps, and guns were destroyed," said Vučić.

"The Americans were among the few who wanted to hear the Serbs' objections when there were barricades in Kosovo. I don't trust the authorities in Pristina," said Vucic.

Vučić is on a two-day visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, where he is participating in the 59th Munich Security Conference.

Today, President Vučić had a series of bilateral meetings with world officials, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland James Cleverly, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, as well as the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell.

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