"We are on the brink of conflict"

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić called on NGOs, which are part of the National Convention, to speak out about the torture Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are exposed to

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 21.12.2022.


Foto: Profimedia

"We are on the brink of conflict"

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić today called on non-governmental organizations, which are part of the National Convention, to speak out about the torture experienced by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

At the session of the National Convention in the Parliament of Serbia, Brnabić pointed out that at this moment everyone should do their best to preserve peace.

"We are on the brink of an armed conflict thanks to Pristina's unilateral moves. Civil society organizations, please speak out about the torture experienced by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We must preserve the peace together", said Brnabić.

She asked where on the European continent it is possible to have no information about an arrested man for 12 days, stating that it was Dejan Pantić.

No one knows where he is, it is not known if he received therapy. The family cannot hear from him. The head of EULEX responds to all this, saying that they don't know where he is. And what are you doing in Kosovo and Metohija? To what extent is that humanly okay with you, asked the Prime Minister.

She reminded that the arrest of Dejan Pantić, in addition to the preservation of the Brussels Agreement and the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, is the reason why Serbs are at the barricades.

"No matter how different we are, we should insist on human rights and give peace a chance. They will react differently when they hear you. Please, these are things that are important to us for peace and European integration process", Brnabić pointed out.

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