Ministry in bid to shut down Obraz

The Human and Minority Rights Ministry wants the Obraz organization to be closed down and has submitted an initiative to look into the legality of its work.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 28.02.2009.


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The Human and Minority Rights Ministry wants the Obraz organization to be closed down and has submitted an initiative to look into the legality of its work. The Interior Ministry listed Obraz as a clero-fascist association back in 2005. Obraz secretary Mladen Obradovic told B92, however, that he had not noticed the existence of neo-Nazi organizations in Serbia. Ministry in bid to shut down Obraz “For those who don’t repent, there will be neither human nor God’s mercy”, “Serb enemies will be eradicated and punished”, “Kill the poof”, “Slaughter the Shiptar” and “Knife, Wire, Srebrenica” are just some of the organization’s rallying calls. Their list of so-called Serb enemies is fairly lengthy. They include “Zionists, ustasha, Muslim extremists, Shiptar terrorists, sects, phony peacekeepers,” not to mention “perverts, drug addicts and criminals,” as it states on the Obraz website. The site also features a national education curriculum, with advice to mothers to play their children “Serb songs” from the very cradle. Obradovic told B92 that he had not noticed the presence of neo-Nazi organizations in Serbia and that any ban on his organization would only make them stronger. “I’m a St. Sava nationalist, which means I see my role models in the greatest Serbs. I see my role models in St. Sava, Bishop Nikolaj, Njegos, Zivojin Misic and so on,” he explained. Asked about his views on the Nacionalni Stroj organization, which openly displays neo-Nazi insignia, the Obraz secretary replied: “They are a hundred times dearer to me than poofs, lesbians, Shiptar terrorists, and all those who [Ministry State Secretary Marko] Karadzic fights for.” However, the Human and Minority Rights Ministry wants the Prosecutor’s Office to look into Obraz’s constitutionality. “In the 21st century, we shouldn’t be speaking about setting fire to and exterminating Jews, Roma and homosexuals,” said Karadzic. “I think we’ve learned quite a bit about this from the past, and I don’t want this to give legitimacy to an organization that works outside the Constitution and the laws of this country,” he said. “But while we’re on the subject, we have to say that aggressive nationalism, calls to exterminate certain groups in Serbia, voicing discrimination and calls to violence violate the Constitution,” said Karadzic. The state secretary said that Obraz could not and must not be allowed to decide who was a Serb and who deserved to be a Serbian citizen.

Ministry in bid to shut down Obraz

“For those who don’t repent, there will be neither human nor God’s mercy”, “Serb enemies will be eradicated and punished”, “Kill the poof”, “Slaughter the Shiptar” and “Knife, Wire, Srebrenica” are just some of the organization’s rallying calls.

Their list of so-called Serb enemies is fairly lengthy.

They include “Zionists, ustasha, Muslim extremists, Shiptar terrorists, sects, phony peacekeepers,” not to mention “perverts, drug addicts and criminals,” as it states on the Obraz website.

The site also features a national education curriculum, with advice to mothers to play their children “Serb songs” from the very cradle.

Obradović told B92 that he had not noticed the presence of neo-Nazi organizations in Serbia and that any ban on his organization would only make them stronger.

“I’m a St. Sava nationalist, which means I see my role models in the greatest Serbs. I see my role models in St. Sava, Bishop Nikolaj, Njegoš, Živojin Mišić and so on,” he explained.

Asked about his views on the Nacionalni Stroj organization, which openly displays neo-Nazi insignia, the Obraz secretary replied: “They are a hundred times dearer to me than poofs, lesbians, Shiptar terrorists, and all those who [Ministry State Secretary Marko] Karadžić fights for.”

However, the Human and Minority Rights Ministry wants the Prosecutor’s Office to look into Obraz’s constitutionality.

“In the 21st century, we shouldn’t be speaking about setting fire to and exterminating Jews, Roma and homosexuals,” said Karadžić.

“I think we’ve learned quite a bit about this from the past, and I don’t want this to give legitimacy to an organization that works outside the Constitution and the laws of this country,” he said.

“But while we’re on the subject, we have to say that aggressive nationalism, calls to exterminate certain groups in Serbia, voicing discrimination and calls to violence violate the Constitution,” said Karadžić.

The state secretary said that Obraz could not and must not be allowed to decide who was a Serb and who deserved to be a Serbian citizen.

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