UNSC debates organ trade draft

Consultations are ongoing in the UNSC on Serbia's resolution on human organ trafficking in Kosovo, the Serbian Mission to the UN told Tanjug on Friday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 23.12.2011.


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Consultations are ongoing in the UNSC on Serbia's resolution on human organ trafficking in Kosovo, the Serbian Mission to the UN told Tanjug on Friday. Russia is presiding over the UN Security Council until the end of December and intensive consultations have taken place in recent days on the text of the resolution, which calls for the appointment of a special representative of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to oversee the investigation, but UNSC member countries have yet to reach a compromise. UNSC debates organ trade draft No agreement has been reached and the UNSC is not expected to meet before the New Year, but consultations are ongoing, Tanjug has learned from the Serbian Mission to the UN. But the UNSC will suspend its activities for the year on Friday, barring emergencies. Western countries in the UNSC believe only EULEX should be in charge of an investigation into the allegations made in Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty's report. Belgrade, on the other hand, is advocating an independent investigation under a UN mandate, as the crimes mentioned in the report are not contained to Kosovo alone. The UN Security Council (Beta, file)

UNSC debates organ trade draft

No agreement has been reached and the UNSC is not expected to meet before the New Year, but consultations are ongoing, Tanjug has learned from the Serbian Mission to the UN. But the UNSC will suspend its activities for the year on Friday, barring emergencies.

Western countries in the UNSC believe only EULEX should be in charge of an investigation into the allegations made in Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty's report. Belgrade, on the other hand, is advocating an independent investigation under a UN mandate, as the crimes mentioned in the report are not contained to Kosovo alone.

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