Koštunica: NATO bombed to create own state

Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica late last night issued a statement addressing the <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2008&mm=03&dd=24&nav_id=48740" class="text-link" target= "_blank">anniversary of NATO attacks</a>.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 24.03.2008.


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Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica late last night issued a statement addressing the anniversary of NATO attacks. The brutal destruction of Serbia, Kostunica said, had the goal of creating the first NATO state in the territory of Kosovo. Kostunica: NATO bombed to create own state "The illegal construction of a huge American military base Bondsteel and Annex 11 of the Ahtisaari plan, which establishes NATO as the supreme organ of government in Kosovo, reveal the reason why Serbia was mindlessly destroyed, and why a NATO state was declared illegally on February 17," the statement sent to Beta news agency said. The outgoing prime minister added Serbia is a free country, and that therefore, the message from the free nation and free country can only be that Kosovo is Serbia. "The policy of force that is used against Serbia is blind and won't last, and just as every other force that came to the Balkans, this one will leave too. A huge number of states and the majority of mankind have not recognized the first NATO state, and instead recognize Serbia in her true and internationally recognized borders," Kostunica said.

Koštunica: NATO bombed to create own state

"The illegal construction of a huge American military base Bondsteel and Annex 11 of the Ahtisaari plan, which establishes NATO as the supreme organ of government in Kosovo, reveal the reason why Serbia was mindlessly destroyed, and why a NATO state was declared illegally on February 17," the statement sent to Beta news agency said.

The outgoing prime minister added Serbia is a free country, and that therefore, the message from the free nation and free country can only be that Kosovo is Serbia.

"The policy of force that is used against Serbia is blind and won't last, and just as every other force that came to the Balkans, this one will leave too. A huge number of states and the majority of mankind have not recognized the first NATO state, and instead recognize Serbia in her true and internationally recognized borders," Koštunica said.

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