Tadić advisor resigns over Kosovo

President Boris Tadić’s advisor Leon Kojen has resigned from his post, and plans to step down as Kosovo team coordinator.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 17.04.2007.


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Tadić advisor resigns over Kosovo

Kojen said he elaborated on his reasons in a letter sent to Boris Tadić on April 15.

Kojen went on to explain that Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer’s statements Reuters reported on April 13 showed that president Tadić’s foreign affairs team was holding talks regarding Kosovo without his knowledge.

“It is clear that under these circumstances I can no longer carry on with my duties as presidential advisor and the team’s coordinator, nor share the responsibility for political moves that I learn about from the media,” he said.

He also stressed he was appointed as the Belgrade negotiating team coordinator at the request of Tadić himself.

“Almost three months following January parliamentary elections Serbia is still without new government and a fully convened parliament. The state negotiating team therefore failed to live up to its commitment to submit a report to the Parliament after February 14, 2007, as originally planned,” Kojen added in the statement.

He ended his statement by saying “it would be sad to let parties’ bickering weaken Serbia’s negotiating position after everything that has been achieved to defend Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

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