After resigning, Bozic told "The board of directors respects this decision"

President of the board of the "Petnica" Research Station Tanja Adnadjevic said this morning that Nikola Bozic, former director of "Petnica", resigned yesterday.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 30.06.2021.


After resigning, Bozic told
Foto: IS Petnica

After resigning, Bozic told "The board of directors respects this decision"

Portal contacted Nikola Božić for comment.

"Board of Directors respects the decision of Director Nikola Božić to resign from his position out of the need to protect the integrity of Petnica, as well as his personal, moral and professional integrity. Realizing the seriousness of the situation in which Petnica finds itself and the pressures to which all its statutory bodies are exposed, the Board of Directors headed by President Dr Tanja Adnadjevic will manage the Petnica Research Station until a new director is appointed and ensure its smooth operation", Bozic wrote in a message for

As a reminder, five former students of this elite institution for talented children were exposed to sexual harassment.

In an interview for the weekly "Vreme", they described the violence they allegedly encountered. It is stated that it is about forcing underage and young adult girls to take photos without clothes, as well as that they were forced to consume alcohol.

They claim that they were abused in two ways - that person allegedly abused his authority or forced and blackmailed them. In some cases, brutal all-night harassment and physical violence allegedly occurred. Some reported immediately what had happened to the management of the Petnica Research Station, some a few years later, and some earlier this year.

A member of the Board of Directors of Petnica, Andrej Starović, said a few days ago as a guest on TV Prva that this whole case was "hogwash" and pointed out that this "should not have happened in Petnica".

"Petnica is in the process of creating procedures for prevention (violence)," Starović pointed out at the time and sent support to the persons who reported the violence.

They all named the same person for the attacks and pointed out that they were in contact with more than 20 other victims.

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