US State Department's terrorism report covers Serbia as well

The US State Department has published its report on terrorism worldwide, with a section dedicated to Serbia, Voice of America is reporting.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 20.09.2018.


US State Department's terrorism report covers Serbia as well

US State Department's terrorism report covers Serbia as well

"The government took steps to improve its ability to fight terrorism with the adoption of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Countering of Terrorism for the Period 2017-2021, and continued cooperation with international partners particularly focused on law enforcement and cyber-security efforts."

A member of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Serbia pledged donations of medical supplies in May - however, inexperience as a donor and internal red tape have delayed delivery of these donations and will likely limit additional financial or material contributions to the Coalition, the US State Department remarked in the document, stressing also that Serbia "continued to benefit from US government training to build counterterrorism capacity."

When it comes to legislation, law enforcement, and border security, the report stresses that "Serbia's law enforcement capacities need improvement, but progress is steady," as well as the country's membership in organizations combating terrorism and money laundering but also a strategy in the fight against violent extremism - where several ministries, including of culture and information, education, and sport and youth play an significant role - and the government's "National Strategy for the Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding."

"Serbia is engaged in limited regional and international cooperation on counterterrorism issues," the report said, and added that the country has "well-developed bilateral border security cooperation programs with Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, and a Tri-Border partnership with Bosnia and Croatia."

"Serbian agencies also routinely engage with Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro," the US State Department concluded.

Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia are among other regional countries that are covered in the report, Voice of America said on its website.

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