"49% of Serbians would support EU membership in referendum"

If a referendum were to be held "tomorrow" asking whether they support Serbia's EU membership, every other citizen - 49 percent - would vote "yes."

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 24.07.2017.



"49% of Serbians would support EU membership in referendum"

This is according to an opinion poll, dubbed "European orientation of citizens of Serbia," carried out at the end of June the Ministry of European Integration.

It also showed that 27 percent of citizens would be opposed to EU membership, 13 percent would not vote, while 11 percent did not know their answer.

The survey, that included 1,064 respondents over 18 years of age, showed very high support for reforms - 66 percent think that reforms necessary for joining the EU should be implemented regardless - "for the sake of the welfare of citizens and creating a better organized Serbia."

As for reforms that are most important and have most influence on their everyday life, respondents "recognized" the reform of the health-care system (16 percent), fight against corruption (15 percent), judicial reform (15 percent), agricultural reform (11 percent), and reform of the education system (11 percent).

Next in importance is consumer protection reform (nine percent), followed by environmental protection reform (seven percent) and better protection of human rights (seven percent).

Regarding relations between Belgrade and Pristina, more than half supported "the Serbian government's determination to continue dialogue and readiness to reach sustainable solutions in this way." Namely, 59 percent think that problems should be solved "regardless of whether the EU is demanding it."

When asked "what Serbia's EU membership represents to them," 17 percent of said that it means "more employment opportunities," a path toward a better future for young people was chosen by (16 percent), followed by opening up the possibility of moving freely within EU borders (14 percent), and "regulating the situation in our country (12 percent)."

When it comes to development aid grants given to Serbia since 2000, 23 percent of respondents "recognized that the EU is the largest donor to the country in the last 16 years."

According to the survey's results, reported by Tanjug on Monday, 22 percent think that it this is Russia, 21 percent chose China, while 11 percent named Japan.

According to a statement - issued by the Ministry of European Integration to announce the results of the poll - "official data indicate that, between 2000 and 2015, the European Union and its member states, with around EUR 2.7 billion of donated funds, represent the largest donors, which significantly contributed to Serbia's development."

The statement added that the survey was done "according to Eurobarometer standards."

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