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Vučić announced the Movement for a Modern and Decent Serbia: Vision after 2027; A large meeting in Jagodina

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced on Monday that it will be possible to apply for the new Movement by March 15, adding that preparations are being made until then.

Izvor: Alo.rs

Vučić announced the Movement for a Modern and Decent Serbia: Vision after 2027; A large meeting in Jagodina


According to Vučić, he believes that the formation of a new movement, which will take responsibility for the future of Serbia, will meet with a great response.

He also emphasized that the Movement must define goals after 2027 - for a decent and modern Serbia.

Why does Serbia need a new Movement?

Vučić clearly defined the mission of the Movement: a gathering of responsible people who will work for changes and the future of the country.

"We have to change a lot by 2027. We have to rely on new people, untainted by politics. We in Serbia have a lot of smart people who want to work and deal with results, not arguments and friction," said Vučić.

With this statement, the President clearly indicated the need to change the dominant picture of political life in our country and that it must be focused on concrete results and common goals.

The future of Serbia after 2027

One of the main goals of the Movement will be the definition of long-term priorities for Serbia. Vučić emphasized the importance of thinking ahead:

"For a decent country, by 2027 we have a lot of ambitions - 1,400 euro average salary, a completely different face of Serbia. We need geopolitical changes, and responsible people must do it," said Vučić, speaking on January 20 from Davos.

The Movement is expected to form strategies to achieve these goals and provide a platform to people who want to contribute to the development of the country.

Such an approach is a novelty on the Serbian political scene, where short-term policies and a focus on daily polemics are frequent.

Engaging politically untainted people

One of the most important characteristics of this Movement will be the engagement of new, politically untainted people.

This long-term plan opens the door to experts and innovators who have until now stood on the sidelines due to an aversion to traditional politics.

Vučić pointed out that Serbia has many capable people who have not had the opportunity to engage in politics:

"The movement must gather people who want a decent Serbia, which does not stand still, people who want Serbia to work, who will deal with results, and not with political arguments, bickering," he said.

The movement will thus be an inclusive platform that opens doors to talented individuals from different professions and spheres of life.

Solving local problems and dissatisfaction

Special attention will be paid to those who are dissatisfied with the current work of certain ministers and local politicians.

The movement will enable new people to have their voices heard and to solve problems in municipalities and at local levels, but also to offer and accept concrete solutions.

Vučić particularly pointed out the need to deal with problems in local communities and dissatisfaction with the work of certain ministers and local leaders.

"People in that Movement should point out how things would change. We need people who deal with results, not with insults at the expense of political opponents," he said.

The New Movement is an opportunity for change

The establishment of the new Movement, as described by Vučić, offers a chance to redefine the political landscape of Serbia.

With a focus on the future, involving new people and solving specific problems will lead to necessary changes.

"I think the Movement will have a great response. I invite people from Pomoravlje, Šumadija, Central Serbia... to join and work together for a decent and modern Serbia," said Vučić ahead of the upcoming rally in Jagodina.


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