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Vučić from Zurich: My goal was to say what I think

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke from Switzerland.

Izvor: RTS, Novosti

Vučić from Zurich: My goal was to say what I think


"It is always important for us to talk with Swiss officials. I have met President Viola several times, she is an extremely kind woman with whom you can exchange opinions," he said.

"Switzerland is an important partner for us. It is the fourth country in the ranking of those with an exchange of services. You know that the biggest support for dual education comes from Switzerland. At the same time, we have a large number of our people living in Switzerland, we have significant Serbian investors with whom I talked last night and we expect a larger number of investors in our country as well," added Vučić.

He then referred to the forum organized by the owner of the "Weltwoche" magazine, pointing out that the man sold 490 tickets, pointing out that they were mostly Swiss.

"The content is not for me to assess, I needed a long preparation. My goal was to say what I think, wanting it to be recorded in history. I believe that I said many things that are true, some of them were confirmed immediately after the end of that stands. I am grateful to the people from Weltwoche, he is a German version of Tucker Carlson," concluded Vučić.

Vučić then referred to current affairs in the world and the fall of the French government and the critical situation in the Eurozone.

"If someone in our country wanted to consider and look at the real arguments, Russia, just as Ukraine held up miraculously in the military sense, and little believed that this was possible, so people believed that the Russian economy would be quickly broken. It is in a very difficult condition. People just don't want to hear it. It is extremely important that Europe emerges from the crisis, I believe that Germany will emerge from the crisis, if not in 2025, then in 2026. They have invested a lot in the eastern part of Germany, in chip factories, and I believe that they will manage to find a cure. I fear that the other, less talked about part of Europe is going in a bad direction. Chancellor Schroeder became like a hunted beast because he did not want to give up his friendship with President Putin. I believe that Germany will turn around faster than some other countries. Just as I hope that Russia will manage to preserve its economic base. But yes, it's true, I think that Russians and Ukrainians are the biggest losers. They lost hundreds of people, millions left the country. Europe has not experienced less damage than theirs", said the President of Serbia.

About the opening of cluster 3

"Hungary will schedule it for next week, there's no doubt about that. There were eight countries, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands and of course Croatia and Bulgaria. If you asked me what we did wrong to the Bulgarians, I wouldn't know how to explain it, but I understand everything about the Croats. The important news for us is to talk to everyone. Germany is absolutely in favor of opening cluster 3. France and Italy were also there and I want to thank them for their support and Germany joined them. We will aim to be the largest growing economy in Europe next year," said Vučić.

Let's recall that the President of Serbia is on a two-day visit to Switzerland, and during today's second day of the visit, he will have separate meetings in Bern with the President of the Swiss Confederation, Viola Amherd, as well as with the Minister of Justice and Police, Beat Jans. 


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