Politics 0



Amendments of Serbia, Hungary and Italy rejected: Belgrade files complaint

Head of the Serbian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Biljana Pantić Pilja, stated that the Committee for Political Affairs and Democracy of the PSSE voted against all amendments proposed by the Serbian delegation.

Izvor: Tanjug

Amendments of Serbia, Hungary and Italy rejected: Belgrade files complaint


They also voted against the amendments proposed by members of the Italian delegation and a member of the Hungarian delegation and announced that they would file a complaint.

In her statement for Tanjug, Pilja added that the amendments were rejected by a large majority and therefore will not be considered at the PS CoE plenary session, unless an objection is filed.

Yesterday, the Serbian delegation in PS CoE submitted 10 amendments to the text of the recommendation for the acceptance of the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe, and among other things, they are asking for the postponement of the decision on Pristina's request for membership, as well as for the formation of the CSM, as a pre-accession condition.

Members of the Italian delegation and one member of the Hungarian delegation submitted an amendment to the text of the recommendation for the admission of the so-called of Kosovo to the Council of Europe (CoE), which requires the membership of the so-called Kosovo to be conditioned by the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM).

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