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Political committee accepted recommendation that so-called Kosovo will be admitted to the Council of Europe

At today's session, Political Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe supported the recommendation of rapporteur Dora Bakoyanni that the so-called Kosovo will be accepted into that organization, it was confirmed to "Novosti".

Izvor: Novosti

Political committee accepted recommendation that so-called Kosovo will be admitted to the Council of Europe
Hybrid Gfx/ Shutterstock


This is purely a political decision, because the so-called the country is one step closer to membership in the most massive European organization despite the fact of almost daily violations of the rule of law, on which the Council of Europe is based.

There were 31 in favor, while four country representatives in the political committee were against, and one abstained.

Even in Pristina, they did not hide that they returned the property to the Visoki Dečani monastery only when Bakoyanni informed them that this was one of the conditions for the Council of Europe. This was clearly stated by the fake Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani.

Few can believe that the remaining obligations, including the formation of the Committee of Serbian Municipalities, will be fulfilled by Pristina later and, as Bakoyanni said, this will be followed by post-monitoring.

The so-called Kosovo refused to form CSM for 11 years since it was agreed by the Brussels Agreement.


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