Satellite images of the Russians - This means only one thing

Released satellite images of Russian fortified positions suggest that Moscow is ready for the strike of Ukraine.

Izvor: Vecernji list

Thursday, 27.04.2023.


Satellite images of the Russians - This means only one thing
Tanjug/AP Photo/Libkos/Ilustracija

Satellite images of the Russians - This means only one thing

British agency Reuters analyzed the footage, indicating that Russia has built a huge line of "fortifications" stretching from western Russia, through eastern Ukraine to Crimea, pointing out that these defensive positions were built in preparation for an expected Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Reuters further states that it examined thousands of defensive positions, both in Russia and along the Ukrainian front lines, concluding that Russian defenses are strongest in the southern region of Zaporizhzhia and at the entrance to the Crimean peninsula.

Military experts told Reuters that an extensive, layered defense could make things difficult for Kyiv this time, and that Ukrainian forces' progress would depend on the ability of Ukrainian forces to successfully conduct complex, combined operations.

Western agencies also announced that Russian forces are setting up combat positions with sandbags on the roofs of the reactor buildings at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

It is "the first indication that the actual reactor buildings have been integrated into tactical defense planning," the British Ministry of Defense said in its daily report on the situation in Ukraine.

The move "very likely increases the chance of damage" to the plant's security systems if fighting continues around the site. However, "direct catastrophic damage" to the reactors is unlikely under "possible scenarios involving infantry weapons" because the structures are heavily reinforced, the ministry added.

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