Indictments brought against the father and mother of the killer boy from "Ribnikar"

Chief Public Prosecutor of Higher Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanović, addressed the public; Sentences of 12 and two and a half years requested.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 10.10.2023.


Indictments brought against the father and mother of the killer boy from

Indictments brought against the father and mother of the killer boy from "Ribnikar"

The reason for this address was the filing of an indictment against the father of the boy who committed the massacre at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar".

Sentences of 12 and 2 and a half years of imprisonment are requested.

At the beginning, Stefanović thanked the associates who worked on the investigation and emphasized that it was a 267-page indictment.

"This case is very specific. We conducted an investigation led by two public prosecutors and members of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs," he said.

"Today, VJT filed an indictment against father of K.K., who committed the massacre in Ribnikar," he said. "Vladimir K. is accused of a serious crime against general security," he continued.

In the investigation, it was established that V.K. kept the weapons in transport cases, instead of in a safe, explained Stefanović. The father kept weapons in two plastic suitcases that were packed in backpacks, Stefanović said.

"In the investigation, it was established that the defendant kept an unsecured weapon. The defendant thus enabled the child to get possession of two guns, which he had previously trained to shoot in the shooting club. The child got possession of the weapons on May 1, and then on May 3 took it in a backpack and took it to school," said the prosecutor.

The prosecution is asking for a sentence of 12 years for Vladimir Kecmanović.

Charges were also brought against the mother

Charges were also brought against the killer boy's mother.

"Proceedings are being conducted against her for illegal carrying and possession of weapons. Her DNA was found on a shell casing in the history cabinet - said the chief prosecutor. President of Partizan Practical Shooting Club, Ratko I., was also charged.

"He gave a false statement, by claiming that he did not see the boy shooting, but that he saw him once on the camera and ordered him to go outside. Such a statement is contrary to what was gathered as evidence in the investigation," said Stefanović.

Nemanja M. from the shooting club was also charged.

Two and a half year imprisonment was proposed for the mother of the killer boy, Miljana K.

For workers in the shooting range, sentence to 3 year imprisonment is proposed.

Let us remind you that on May 3rd, an unprecedented tragedy occurred in Serbia when a minor, K.K., opened fire on his peers at the "Vladisalv Ribnikar" primary school in Vračar, killing nine students and a school guard.

The killer boy K.K. is placed in the Clinic for Neuropsychiatry for Children and Youth, in a special ward, while his father V.K. is in custody.

It is suspected that V. K. acted contrary to the Law on Arms and Ammunition and the Rulebook on Spatial Technical Conditions for Safe Storage of Arms and Ammunition.

More precisely, he did not provide the conditions for safe accommodation and storage of weapons and ammunition so that they cannot come into the possession of unauthorized persons, that is, they must be locked and separately kept in safes, cash registers or similar cabinets that cannot be easily opened.

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