Tadić: Djilas broke up the agreed coalition with his media and finances VIDEO

Boris Tadić, president of the SDS, said that Dragan Djilas broke up the agreed coalition with his influence "in certain media and financial power".

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 03.12.2023.


Tadić: Djilas broke up the agreed coalition with his media and finances VIDEO
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages

Tadić: Djilas broke up the agreed coalition with his media and finances VIDEO

The "Lie Detector" channel on the X social network published a video of former president Boris Tadić explaining how Dragan Djilas broke up the agreed coalition.

"Tadic: I talked with everyone except Djilas about the formation of a coalition, and unfortunately those talks came to a dead end when Dragan Djilas got involved in that negotiation process with his power in certain media and financial power! Then those parties with which I talked to, got over to his side!"

Host: You accused Djilas of stealing the name of the list, of blackmailing, cheating, disintegrating the opposition, running a shamelessly dirty campaign, of lying, of wanting to abolish your freedom of speech using fascist methods...

Tadic: "Those are my views!"

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