One request in the Council of Europe did not go through

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's attempt to challenge Dick Marty's report on human organ trafficking in the Council of Europe failed.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Tuesday, 25.04.2023.


One request in the Council of Europe did not go through

One request in the Council of Europe did not go through

As Elvira Kovač, a member of the delegation of the Serbian Assembly to the Council of Europe and vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE, said, at yesterday's session of the PSSE Bureau, it was decided to create only information about Albania's initiative.

On the day the trial of former KLA leaders began before the Special Court in The Hague, on April 3, Rama announced that Albania had collected signatures in the PSSE for a new resolution, which would challenge Dick Marty's 2011 resolution. Rama then said that in the Marty resolution, "terrible accusations against the KLA for trafficking in human organs were made without any facts."

Kovač points out that it is not difficult to collect 20 signatures, from at least five countries and two political groups, to launch an initiative in the Council of Europe.

"Therefore, that request had to be on the agenda of the PSSE Bureau, but it can make different decisions. When someone initiates the initiative to pass a resolution, as Albania did, the decision does not have to be that a report should be created from it, as Tirana wanted. They wanted their initiative to be forwarded to the committee for legal issues, to choose a rapporteur and in the end, it turned out that 'the Yellow House' didn't exist. That didn't go through,'" says Kovac.

She explains that the PSSE Bureau adopted the proposal that the Tirana initiative should only produce information, which does not have any political weight, because no report will be made, but information related to the initiative will be prepared.

"It would be really outrageous to question the previous reports and the work of the Council of Europe Committee. It would be an unprecedented precedent, it has never happened before," says Kovac.

She points out that the decision that Rama's initiative did not lead to a new report of the Council of Europe at the PSSE Bureau was made by acclamation.

"The Secretariat suggested that only information be made in connection with Rama's initiative, not a report, and everyone at the Bureau agreed with that," Kovac told Kosovo Online.

Kovač reminds that PSSE MPs reacted violently back in October last year, when Rama spoke at a session in Strasbourg about disputing Marty's report.

"Rama was quite unpleasant and rude in his performance, he spoke against the work of the CoE. The MPs revolted, as did the former presidents of the PSSE Legal Affairs Committee," Kovac points out.

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